
An Aurelia Client skeleton application with flair.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


An Aurelia Client skeleton application with flair.

This is a base Aurelia client application with the enhanement that the client will perform a web service API call to a web server. This demonstrates the linkage that can exist between an Aurelia client application and a web server providing web service functionality.

This client was used in the testing of the Aurelia Client Server Skeleton application found here.

Client Enhancements

These are all the differences between an Aurelia client generated by au new and this client.

  • Added the packages aurelia-fetch-client and whatwg-fetch.
    • npm install aurelia-fetch-client
    • npm install whatwg-fetch
    • Edited aurelia_project/aurelia.json to add the new packages to the bundler.
  • Added an Http Client to the App class. Demonstrating the use of inject.
  • Added the doapi() and doclear() functions to the base class app.js.
  • Added an apiresp member object to the App class. This object holds the Json document returned by the server when the API is exercised.
  • Added extra HTML to the base view app.html.
  • Demonstrated Aurelia data binding in the use of the apiresp object.


There are numerous tutorials available here.