JetBeep Android sdk

Hardware setup

Gradle dependencies

Add this dependency to your project's build file:

implementation 'com.jetbeep:jetbeepsdk:1.11.11'


Target Android 12 or higher

If your app targets Android 12 (API level 31) or higher, you must explicitly request user approval in your app before you can use our sdk:


These permissions are runtime permissions.

Target Android 11 or lower

If your app targets Android 11 (API level 30) or lower, declare the following permissions in your app's manifest file: android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION is necessary because, on Android 11 and lower, a Bluetooth scan could potentially be used to gather information about the location of the user.

In order for Android 11 and Android 10 to receive scan results in the background, you must also declare the android.permission.ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION permission in your app's manifest file.

On Android 11 (API level 30) and higher, however, the system dialog doesn't include the Allow all the time option. Instead, users must enable background location on a settings page. You can help users navigate to this settings page by following best practices when requesting the background location permission. First ask the user for android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION, android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION permissions. After the user grants these permissions, request the android.permission.ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION permission.

See the official Android documentation for more details. Request background location

Target Android 9 or lower

If your app targets Android 9 (API level 28) or lower, you can declare the android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION permission instead of the android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission.

Because location permissions are runtime permissions, you must request these permissions at runtime along with declaring them in your manifest.

The following code snippet shows how to declare location permissions:

        android:maxSdkVersion="30" />
        android:maxSdkVersion="30" />
        android:maxSdkVersion="30" />

Now you are ready to go!

Example of initialization of JetBeepSdK (do this in the onCreate method in the Application class):

        application, // instance of Application
        serviceUUID, // Bluetooth service UUID, please request this value from Jetbeep
        appId, // application identifier, please request this value from Jetbeep
        appToken, // application access token, please request this value from Jetbeep
        registrationType, // Jetbeep registration type (for example JetBeepRegistrationType.ANONYMOUS)
        isDebuggable, // To use the debug version of sdk (our dev server)

After receiving all permissions, you can start working with our devices:

    if (!JetBeepSDK.backgroundActive) {

// trySync() will cache information about devices in SDK // as the device configuration might change, you have to always run this code from here


Jetbeep registration types

JetBeepRegistrationType.REGISTERED - gives ability to get personalized offers, notifications and access to loyalty cards. Additionally need to send authToken for identifying the user.

    JetBeepSDK.authToken = "123a45b6-123a-4b56-789c-0e22345b6cd7" // example of authToken

JetBeepRegistrationType.ANONYMOUS - you can access to common offers and notifications only, but no access to personalized items. Also, you need to handle a callback for loyalty cards by yourself.

Instance of barcode handler protocol, it will be used when you will provide barcodes

    JetBeepSDK.barcodeRequestHandler = object : JBBarcodeRequestProtocol {
        override var listener: JBBarcodeTransferProtocol? = object : JBBarcodeTransferProtocol {
            override fun failureBarcodeTransfer(shop: Shop) {
                //TODO failureBarcodeTransfer

            override fun succeedBarcodeTransfer(shop: Shop) {
                //TODO succeedBarcodeTransfer

        override fun barcodeRequest(merchant: Merchant, shop: Shop): Array<Barcode>? {
            //TODO Put your barcodes based on merchant and shop

Handle result on your place to track is barcodes transfering moved succeed or not


To receive events of entry and exit into the zone of beacon, add a listener and subscribe to it:

    val locationCallbacks = object : LocationCallbacks {
        override fun onMerchantEntered(merchant: Merchant) {
        // TODO onMerchantEntered

        override fun onMerchantExit(merchant: Merchant) {
        // TODO onMerchantExit

        override fun onShopEntered(shop: Shop) {
        // TODO onShopEntered

        override fun onShopExit(shop: Shop) {
        // TODO onShopExit

To receive push notifications, subscribe to PushNotificationListener. Inside you can add a logic for different types of notifications. As show in example below, we show silent notifications for merchant types TRANSPORT and VENDING. Full realization of SilentNotification see in the test application.

    JetBeepSDK.pushNotificationManager.subscribe(object : PushNotificationListener {
                override fun onShowNotification(info: PushNotificationManager.NotificationInfo) {
                    val merchant = info.merchant
                    if ( == merchant.type ||
               == merchant.type
                    ) {
                    } else {
                        val shop =
                            "Enter event",
                            "Welcome to ${}",
                override fun onRemoveNotification(id: Int) {

To receive events such as loyalty card transfers, add this listener and subscribe to it:

    val beeperCallback: BeeperCallback = object : BeeperCallback() {
        override fun onEvent(beeperEvent: BeeperEvent) {

Implement the interface if you want to pay on third-party servers

interface PaymentProcessor {

    fun pay(paymentRequest: PaymentRequest,
            pinCode: String,
            paymentInstrument: PaymentInstrument,
            protocolVersion: Byte): Single<PaymentResult>

    fun confirm(orderId: String, confirmation: String): Single<Any>

See the test application for more details.

Personalized Offers and Notifications

The Jetbeep SDK now supports personalized offers and notifications based on users' phone numbers or loyalty card numbers.

Assigning User Numbers

To enable personalized offers and notifications, assign an array of strings containing phone numbers or loyalty card numbers to the JetBeepSDK.repository.userNumbers property:

    JetBeepSDK.repository.userNumbers = listOf("380007890000", ..)


Once you have assigned user numbers to JetBeepSDK.repository.userNumbers, the SDK will automatically start providing personalized offers and notifications to the specified users at the next fetching request of trySync() function.

Please ensure that your application has obtained the necessary permissions from users to use their phone numbers or loyalty card numbers for this purpose.


Here's an example of how to set up personalized offers and notifications in your application:

    // Obtain user's phone number or loyalty card number
    val userPhoneNumber = "380007890000"

    // Assign the number to Jetbeep.shared.userNumbers
    JetBeepSDK.repository.userNumbers = listOf(userPhoneNumber)

    // Update offers and notifications

The SDK will now provide personalized offers and notifications for the specified user

Work with Vending

You can get instance of VendingDevices here JetBeepSDK.locations.vendingDevices It contains ConnectableDevice, entity for devices and DeviceChangeListener, that notifies any updates of devices.

    private val vending = JetBeepSDK.connections.vendingDevices

Get a list of connectable devices

    devices = vending.getVisibleDevices()

Create callback & subscribe to DeviceChangeListener

    private val callback = object : ConnectableDeviceStateChangeListener {
            override fun onChangeDevices(devices: List<ConnectableDevice>) {

Connect & disconnect

Once you've got a list of visible devices, you can connect them

    item = devices.get(position)

And disconnect from connected device


Note: During active connection all other devices become non-connectable.

Receiving events from devices

You need to receive events for interact with device after connection. In order to open a session and initiate payment, we need to receive events from the device. To do this, we need to create an instance for BeeperCallback() and subscribe to events:

private val beeperCallback = object : BeeperCallback() {
        override fun onEvent(beeperEvent: BeeperEvent) {
            when (beeperEvent) {
                is Advertising -> { }
                is SessionOpened -> { }
                is SessionClosed -> { }
                is LoyaltyTransferred -> { }
                is NoLoyaltyCard -> { }
                is PaymentInitiated -> { }
                is PaymentInProgress -> { }
                is PaymentError -> { }
                is PaymentSuccessful -> { }
                is BluetoothFeatureNotSupported -> { }

In example above all possible events are listed, but you can use only those that are necessary for vending.

Then you need to subscribe to get events and start the beeper:


When closing, don't forget to unsubscribe and stop the beeper:


Working with tokens

Step 1: Obtain token information from backend

In order to work with Locker devices you have to obtain tokens, which are generated by Jetbeep Locker utility. Typically these information will be passed to your mobile application from your backend.

Step 2: Create Token objects from the hex representation of the token, received from the backend:

    val token = Token.createToken(hexToken)

hexToken - String representation of the token in hex format

Step 3: Subscribe to locker events:

    object : DeviceStatusCallback {
        override fun onLockerDeviceDetected(lockerDevice: LockerDevice) {
            // new Locker device detected

        override fun onLockerDeviceLost(lockerDevice: LockerDevice) {
            // Locker device was lost (out of range)

        override fun onLockerDeviceChanged(lockerDevice: List<LockerDevice>) {
            // Locker device status has changed

Step 4: Search for the nearby Locker devices

All communications between mobile application and Jetbeep locker device implemented via Lockers. First of all you have to start searching for the devices nearby, by previously generated tokens:


tokens - list of Token

Step 5: Open (or confirm) the lock

  1. Select one of the available Locker devices and corresponding token information from the array:
    val lockerDevice = JetBeepSDK.connections.lockers.getVisibleDevices().get(index)

or get them from the events, explained in "Step 3".

  1. Connect & apply token to Locker device:
if (lockerDevice.device.isConnectable) {
    val tokenResult = JetBeepSDK.connections.lockers.apply(token)

Send token result to the backend:

In case "Step 5" was successful, you can send TokenResult, information about current Locker device status (e.g. battery level and information about the locks) to your backend, which could be further decoded by the locker utility or display this information in your mobile app.

Step 7: Finishing the flow:

Once you are done, simply stop the search and unsubscribe from events in your Fragment or Activity:



IMPORTANT NOTE: Before testing ensure that your devices is configured for VENDING-type merchants. Please double-check them.


VendingDevices methods

connect(device: ConnectableDevice): Boolean - to connect to specified device. Returns true on successful connection.

disconnect(): Boolean - to disconnect from device. Returns true on successful disconnection.

subscribe(customerCallback: ConnectableDeviceStateChangeListener) - subscribe to a listener to get updates of devices and their statuses.

unsubscribe(customerCallback: ConnectableDeviceStateChangeListener) - unsubscribe from a listener.

getVisibleDevices(): List<ConnectableDevice> - get a list of all visible connectable devices.

ConnectableDevice - entity of connectable device. Contains some public things:

  • shopId: Int - shop id of the device
  • shopName: String - shop name
  • isConnectable(): Boolean - returns true if device is connectable at the moment.


class Token(val hex: String) {
    val tokenVersion: Byte
    val tokenCounter: Long
    val tokenType: TokenType
    val tokenParams: Byte
    val deviceId: Int
    val lockIndex: Byte
    val signature: ByteArray
    val token: ByteArray


data class LockerDevice(
    val device: ConnectableDevice,
    val tokens: List<Token>


interface DeviceStatusCallback {
    fun onLockerDeviceDetected(lockerDevice: LockerDevice)
    fun onLockerDeviceLost(lockerDevice: LockerDevice)
    fun onLockerDeviceStatusChanged(lockerDevice: List<LockerDevice>)


interface Lockers {
    fun startSearch(tokens: List<Token>)
    fun stopSearch()
    suspend fun apply(token: Token): TokenResult?
    fun getVisibleDevices(): List<LockerDevice>
    fun subscribe(listener: DeviceStatusCallback)
    fun unsubscribe(listener: DeviceStatusCallback)


class TokenResult(val result: ByteArray)