
Wrapper for the LogDNA REST API written in Swift

Primary LanguageSwift


Wrapper for the LogDNA REST API written in Swift.

Requirements: you must have alamofire and swiftyjson installed in your project for this to work.


  1. Drag and drop this file into your project
  2. In your didfinishlaunchingwithoptions initialize the SDK using your Ingestion Key LogDNA.setup(withIngestionKey: "INSERT_INGESTION_KEY", hostName: "looq", appName: "LooqApp", includeNetworkData: true)
  3. Anywhere you want to send a log you can use this code: LogDNA.log(line: "test message", level: .debug, meta: ["string":"test", "bool":false, "int":3])
  4. If you want to see the return of the API call. You can set verbose to true as follows: LogDNA.shared.verbose = true