
CS4248 G17 NLP Project

Primary LanguagePython

CS4248 G17 NLP Final Project

By Kan Yip Keng, Lin Mei An, Yang Zi Yun, Yew Kai Zhe


Task Background (Information Extraction)

The SemEval-2021 Shared Task NLP CONTRIBUTION GRAPH (a.k.a. ‘the NCG task’) tasks participants to develop automated systems that structure contributions from NLP scholarly articles in English.

Subtask 1

Input: a research article in plaintext format
Output: a set of contributing sentences

Subtask 2

Input: a contributing sentence
Output: a set of scientific knowledge terms and predicate phrases



Additionally, install other dependencies in requirements.txt using conda or pip

How To Run

  1. Make sure you have installed all the dependencies mentioned above
  2. Clone or download this repository, then open a terminal and navigate to this folder
  3. Train, test & evaluate the model by running python3 main.py {config} which:
    1. Select the config-th configurations from config.py. Enter python3 main.py 0 to see all available configurations.
    2. Load all data from the data/ folder
    3. Randomly split the dataset into training & testing set
    4. Train the model using the training set and store the model in the model file
    5. Test the model against the testing set

Useful flags

These optional flags can be combined into one single command line:

  • Use -d [data_dir/] to specify which dataset folder to use, default: data/
  • Use -m [model_name] to specify the model filename to generate, default: model/
  • Use -s [summary_name] to specify the summary name, default will be auto-generated by wandb
  • Use --summary to enable summary mode
  • Use --train to train model only
  • Use --test to test model only


python3 main.py 1

python3 main.py 1 -d data-small/ --summary -s scibert

python3 main.py 2 --train

Project Structure



  • main.py - main runner file of the project
  • dataset.py - loads, pre-processes data and implements the NcgDataset class
  • model.py - loads, saves model and implements the NcgModel class
  • config.py - defines all hyperparameters
  • subtask1/ - implements the dataset, models and helper functions for subtask 1
  • subtask2/ - implements the dataset, models and helper functions for subtask 2
  • documentation/ - written reports


  • data/ - contains 38 task folders
  • data-small/ - a subset of data/, contains 5 task folders
  • data-one/ - a subset of data/, contains 1 task folder

The data folders is organized as follows:

[task-name-folder]/                                # natural_language_inference, paraphrase_generation, question_answering, relation_extraction, etc
    ├── [article-counter-folder]/                  # ranges between 0 to 100 since we annotated varying numbers of articles per task
    │   ├── [article-name].pdf                     # scholarly article pdf
    │   ├── [article-name]-Grobid-out.txt          # plaintext output from the [Grobid parser](https://github.com/kermitt2/grobid)
    │   ├── [article-name]-Stanza-out.txt          # plaintext preprocessed output from [Stanza](https://github.com/stanfordnlp/stanza)
    │   ├── sentences.txt                          # annotated Contribution sentences in the file
    │   ├── entities.txt                           # annotated entities in the Contribution sentences
    │   └── info-units/                            # the folder containing information units in JSON format
    │   │   └── research-problem.json              # `research problem` mandatory information unit in json format
    │   │   └── model.json                         # `model` information unit in json format; in some articles it is called `approach`
    │   │   └── ...                                # there are 12 information units in all and each article may be annotated by 3 or 6
    │   └── triples/                               # the folder containing information unit triples one per line
    │   │   └── research-problem.txt               # `research problem` triples (one research problem statement per line)
    │   │   └── model.txt                          # `model` triples (one statement per line)
    │   │   └── ...                                # there are 12 information units in all and each article may be annotated by 3 or 6
    │   └── ...                                    # there are K articles annotated for each task, so this repeats for the remaining K-1 annotated articles
    └── ...                                        # if there are N task folders overall, then this repeats N-1 more times


Official Links

Official Website

CodaLab Portal

NCG Task Paper GitHub

Evaluation script

Participating Teams

  1. ITNLP Paper GitHub

  2. UIUC_BioNLP Paper GitHub

  3. IITK Paper GitHub

  4. ECNUICA Paper

  5. INNOVATORS Paper GitHub

  6. Duluth Paper GitHub

  7. YNU-HPCC Paper GitHub