
A curated list of awesome Artificial Life simulators, papers and resources.

Awesome Artificial Life

A curated list of awesome Artificial Life resources.

Table of Contents


  • Lenia - Mathematical life forms. [code]
  • seagull - Python library for Conway's Game of Life. [code]
  • aeongarden - Toy for Apple devices built with SpriteKit. [code]
  • SwarmChemistry - Hiroki Sayama's artificial chemistry model. [code]
  • project-origin - Simulator for investigating Noogenesis. [code]
  • Grovolve - Simulator for evolution by natural selection for plants. [code]



  • A logical calculus of the ideas immanent in nervous activity (1943), Warren S. McCulloch, Walter Pitts [paper]
  • What Is Life? (1944), Erwin Schrödinger [wiki]
  • The General and Logical Theory of Automata (1951), John Von Neumann [pdf]
  • The Perceptron—a perceiving and recognizing automaton (1957), Frank Rosenblatt [paper]
  • Theory of Self-Reproducing Automata (1966), John Von Neumann [paper]
  • Neural Networks and physical systems with emergent collective computational abilities (1982), J. Hopfield [paper]
  • Statistical Mechanics of Cellular Automata (1983), S. Wolfram [paper]
  • Artificial life: organization, adaptation and complexity from the bottom up (2003), Mark A. Bedau [pdf]
  • A Solution to the Biodiversity Paradox by Logical Deterministic Cellular Automata (2015), Kalmykov, L.V., Kalmykov, V.L. [paper]
  • AI Beyond Computer Games (1999), Andrew Stern [pdf]


  • The past, present, and future of artificial Life (2014), Aguilar, W., Santamaría-Bonfil, G., Froese, T., and Gershenson, C. [article]
  • An Introduction to Aritifical Life for People who Like AI (2019), Lana Sinapayen [article]


  • The Modern Prometheus (1818), Mary Shelley [wiki]
  • Artificial Life Models in Software [book]


  • Introduction to Artifical Life Concepts (2013), Dave Ackley [video]

Artifical Intelligence

It should be noted that AI could be viewed as a subfield of Artificial Life even if some were to propose that an entity does not need to be "living" in order to exhibit "intelligence". The definitions for both terms are, as of yet, vague and ill-defined. Certainly it could be proven that "AI" and "AL" intersect.

Thus, considering the historical timeline of AI research is prudent: AI Timeline


Biomimicry can be seen as a more subtle artform of "artificial life" by simply utilizing a subset of phenotypic expressions of existing lifeforms in designing man-made tools.

See the wikipedia for an intro to the topic.

This, of course, means that even more abstractly bio-inspired "replications" (e.g., the airplane) could be viewed as early "artificial life" attempts/applications.