

Downloads files from all courses in canvas.


  • ./canvas-downloader -u <CANVAS URL> -t <CANVAS API TOKEN> -d <DESTINATION FOLDER>
    • manually pass in the url and token to canvas and save the files to the destination folder
  • ./canvas-downloader -u <CANVAS URL> -t <CANVAS API TOKEN> -d <DESTINATION FOLDER> -s -c <CREDENTIAL PATH>
    • same as the first command but this saves the url and token as <CREDENTIAL PATH>
    • -s tells it to save the credentials to <CREDENTIAL PATH>
  • ./canvas-downloader -d <DESTINATION FOLDER> -c <CREDENTIAL PATH>
    • same as the first command but reads the credentials from <CREDENTIAL PATH>
  • Recommended to alias the command to use -u and -t, or -c to avoid typing so much