
A new 24x24 Dwarf Fortress Tileset and raw files.


A new 24x24 Dwarf Fortress Tileset and raw files. Now that retina screens are a thing, we have the option to have slightly nicer tiles for use in playing dwarf fortress. Further, as of mid-2016, it doesn't seem like most of the tileset makers are keeping up with compatibility. So, here's a new one.

If you intend to fork or contribute to this project, be aware of the following link, as it helps a great deal in assessing what to do with each tile within the limits we have set upon us.


Task List 1st Release Candidate

  • Establish Text/Font Tiles
  • Design Mineralization Tiles
  • Assign Mineralization Raws to Tiles
  • Design Constructions
  • Assign Construction Raws/Init to Tiles
  • Design Furniture
  • Assign Furniture Raws to Tiles
  • Design Flora
  • Assign Flora Raws to Tiles
  • Design Trinkets, Tools and Doodads
  • Assign Trinket, Tool and Doodad Raws to Tiles

Rocks and Minerals

See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crystal_habit for typical mineral shapes See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rock_(geology) for typical rock types and textures

Tile Choices

  • 134 - Mostly Igneous Intrusive Rock; Large Obvious Grains
  • 135 - Mostly Igneous Extrusive Rock; Small to Invisible Grains
  • 136 - Mostly Metamorphic Rock; Distorted Bands or Squished Blotches
  • 137 - Mostly Sedimentary Rock; Layers or Lines, Subtle or Strong
  • 139 - Mostly Minerals; Rounded forms
  • 140 - Mostly Minerals; Columnar facets
  • 141 - Mostly Minerals; Veins
  • 142 - Mostly Minerals; Striations or Platings
  • 169 - Mostly Gems; Triangular Facets
  • 170 - Mostly Gems; Square Facets
  • 171 - Mostly Gems; Hexagonal Facets
  • 172 - Mostly Gems; Monoclinic Facets


Type Subtype Name Habit Colors Tile
rock sedimentary SANDSTONE subtle layering or striations light warm tones 137
rock sedimentary SILTSTONE little to no texture light warm tones 135
rock sedimentary MUDSTONE little to no texture middle warm greys 135
rock sedimentary SHALE subtle layering only dark greys 137
rock sedimentary CLAYSTONE distinct layers dark greys and browns 137
rock sedimentary ROCK_SALT1 cubic crystallization white to light pink 140
rock sedimentary LIMESTONE largely uniform texture white to cream 135
rock sedimentary CONGLOMERATE large random inclusions in matrix dark with bright spots 134
rock sedimentary DOLOMITE2 fairly uniform grainy texture middle grey to warm grey 135
rock sedimentary CHERT subtle striations brownish red 137
rock sedimentary CHALK little to no texture bright white 135
rock igneous intrusive GRANITE3 heavy spotted textures white, black, cream 134
rock igneous intrusive DIORITE large grains light with dark grains 134
rock igneous intrusive GABBRO large grains dark with some light grains 134
rock igneous extrusive RHYOLITE fairly uniform with small grains light grey to warm tones 135
rock igneous extrusive BASALT fairly uniform texture dark grey to black 135
rock igneous extrusive ANDESITE somewhat uniform with bright specks middle grey 135
rock igneous extrusive DACITE uniform except for bright specks light grey 135
rock igneous extrusive OBSIDIAN lustrous and uniform, rare banding black, red bands 139
rock metamorphic QUARTZITE subtle mottling or bands reddish cream to white 135
rock metamorphic SLATE subtle lines or uniform dark grey 137
rock metamorphic PHYLLITE subtle undulating waves warm light greys 136
rock metamorphic SCHIST4 grainy, mottled, flowing middle grey 136
rock metamorphic GNEISS strong wavy or jagged banding dark gray with bright bands 136
rock metamorphic MARBLE5 subtle to strong dark bands in light material white to cream 136


Type Subtype Name Habit Colors Tile
mineral oxide HEMATITE angular and faceted black, brown, red 169
mineral hydroxide LIMONITE blotchy, amorphous yellow to red 134
mineral N/A GARNIERITE6 blotchy, amorphous greens 134
element metal NATIVE_GOLD fans, veins, plates bright yellow 141
element metal NATIVE_SILVER fans, veins, plates bright white 141
element metal NATIVE_COPPER fans, veins, plates brown to red 141
mineral hydroxide MALACHITE bulbous sheets of tiny crystals dark green 139
mineral sulfide GALENA cubic and lustrous dark grey 170
mineral sulfide SPHALERITE triangular lustrous facets dark grey, rarely red 169
mineral oxide CASSITERITE lustrous and triangular black to mid grey 169
rock metamorphic COAL_BITUMINOUS7 sometimes lustrous but low texture black 135
rock metamorphic LIGNITE dull and with little texture dark brown 135
element metal NATIVE_PLATINUM fans, veins, plates light grey 141
mineral sulfide CINNABAR grainy; triangular facets at best dark red 169
mineral sulfide COBALTITE confused cubic faces dark grey or ruddy brown 170
mineral sulfosalt TETRAHEDRITE reflective triangular faces dark yellow to grey 169
mineral chloride HORN_SILVER grainy texture with little structure dark yellow to grey 135
mineral sulfate GYPSUM angular striations and long crystals white 172
mineral silicate TALC little texture or structure white to yellow 135
rock metamorphic JET8 little texture, subtle striations black 137
rock sedimentary PUDDINGSTONE uniform midtone with bright blotches reds, browns 134
rock metamorphic PETRIFIED_WOOD strong radiating bands reds, browns, some whites 136
element semimetal GRAPHITE lustrous with occasional faceting black 171
element nonmetal BRIMSTONE9 chalky and indistinct bright yellow 135
rock igneous intrusive KIMBERLITE grainy uniform with occasional specks mid to dark grey 134
mineral sulfide BISMUTHINITE fibrous striations at best dark grey 142
mineral sulfide REALGAR semitranslucent with sharp edges bright red 172
mineral sulfide ORPIMENT small crystals or blades orange to red 142
mineral sulfide STIBNITE lustrous lined columns mid grey 142
mineral sulfide MARCASITE lustrous plates and wedges brownish grey 142
mineral chloride SYLVITE little texture or structure creams to reds 135
mineral halide CRYOLITE little texture or structure white 135
mineral oxide PERICLASE blotchy and indistict speckled light greys 134
mineral oxide ILMENITE rough and angular black or dark brown 169
mineral oxide RUTILE crystallite or hairy deep red to purple to yellow 142
mineral oxide MAGNETITE low lustre with sharp angles black or dark brown 169
mineral oxide CHROMITE mottled and indistinct dark grey with highlights 134
mineral oxide PYROLUSITE shiny spheroid bulbs black to bluish black 139
mineral oxide PITCHBLENDE occasional facets; usually rounded brownish black 139
rock sedimentary BAUXITE mixture of light matrix and dark blots light grey and brown 134
element metal NATIVE_ALUMINUM fans, veins, plates light grey 141
mineral borate BORAX usually massive, rare crystal structures white 135
mineral silicate OLIVINE10 glassy, usually amorphous, bubbly dark to light green 139
mineral silicate HORNBLENDE11 rough and shapeless black with rare specks 135
mineral silicate KAOLINITE layered microcrystals white to dark cream 137
mineral silicate SERPENTINE12 untextured to layered dark green 136
mineral silicate ORTHOCLASE often amorphous, can have angular crystals cream to yellow 172
mineral silicate MICROCLINE often amorphous, can have anuglar crystals bright green or blue 172
mineral silicate MICA in stacked sheets or crushed silver, purple, or blackish 142
mineral carbonate CALCITE amorphous or with pointed crystals white to orange 169
mineral nitrate SALTPETER amorphous with little texture white 135
mineral carbonate ALABASTER13 little texture white to dark cream 135
mineral sulfate SELENITE14 monoclinic angles or amorphous white to dark cream 172
mineral sulfate SATINSPAR14 plated or feathered milky white 142
mineral sulfate ANHYDRITE plated or fibrous white 142
mineral sulfate ALUNITE fibrous or amorphous dark cream to orange 142
mineral alloy RAW_ADAMANTINE crystalline cubes light bluish grey 170
mineral ??? SLADE fibrous or amorphous dark grey 142


To be fair, most all of these gems are minerals, often identical to some of the minerals in the previous section.

Type Subtype Name Habit Colors Tile
mineral oxide ONYX parallel light bands against dark black or red 137
mineral oxide MORION15 sharp facets, mostly opaque black 169
mineral silicate SHORL faceted or striated columns black 140
mineral oxide LACE AGATE heavily banded light shades, often blue 136
rock metamorphic BLUE JADE subtle banding light blue, cyan 136
rock metamorphic LAPIS LAZULI grainy or banded textures dark blue 137
mineral oxide PRASE mottled or banded dark to light green 141
mineral oxide PRASE OPAL semi-translucent with reflective mottling dark to light green 136
mineral silicate BLOODSTONE highly mottled green and red 134
mineral oxide MOSS AGATE heavily banded dark green 136
mineral oxide MOSS OPAL semi-translucent with reflective mottling cream with dark brown markings 141
mineral phosphate VARISCITE bulbous or massive with banding dark to middle green 139
mineral silicate CHRYSOPRASE solid tones with dark rings or bands middle green with black 141
mineral silicate CHRYSOCOLLA bulbous or amorphous teal or green with flowing bands 139
mineral silicate SARD16 subtle mottling dark red 139
mineral silicate CARNELIAN16 subtle mottling or banding dark red 139
mineral oxide BANDED AGATE heavily banded warm tones, whites, reds 136
mineral silicate SARDONYX heavy banded dark red with creamy bands 136
mineral oxide CHERRY OPAL semi-translucent with reflective mottling red 136
rock metamorphic LAVENDER JADE faint mottling or striations purple and green 137
rock metamorphic PINK JADE faint mottling or striations distinctly pink 137
mineral oxide TUBE AGATE heavily circular banding creams and reds 136
mineral oxide FIRE AGATE rounded formations irridescent 139
mineral oxide PLUME AGATE heavily plumed banding creams and reds 136
mineral oxide BROWN JASPER fairly uniform tones brown to purple 135
mineral oxide PICTURE JASPER strong mottling browns, whites 141
mineral oxide SMOKY QUARTZ milky to translucent with sharp terminations light grey to brown 169
mineral oxide WAX OPAL semi-translucent with reflective mottling pale yellows 136
mineral oxide WOOD OPAL semi-translucent with reflective mottling browns and blues 136
mineral oxide AMBER OPAL semi-translucent with reflective mottling reds and golds 136
mineral oxide GOLD OPAL semi-translucent with reflective mottling yellows 136
mineral oxide CITRINE milky to translucent with sharp terminations dark brown to gold 169
mineral oxide YELLOW JASPER modest mottling and banding golden yellow 135
mineral silicate TIGEREYE strong reflective banding browns and golds 141
rock metamorphic TIGER IRON strong reflective banding browns and golds 141
mineral silicate SUNSTONE translucent triclinic faces golden yellow 170
mineral oxide RESIN OPAL strong mottling and reflectivity green 136
mineral sulfide PYRITE reflective cubic faces metallic yellow 170
mineral cyclosilicate CLEAR TOURMALINE trigonal bars with flat terminations colorless 140
mineral oxide GRAY CHALCEDONY bulbous and striated dark to medium grey 139
mineral oxide DENDRITIC AGATE heavily tree-like inclusions black and white 136
mineral oxide SHELL OPAL opal-replaced fossil shell cream with green flash 136
mineral oxide BONE OPAL opal-replaced fossil bone cream with green flash 136
mineral oxide WHITE CHALCEDONY bulbous and striated whitish grey 139
mineral oxide FORTIFICATION AGATE heavily banded creams and reds 136
mineral oxide MILK QUARTZ barely translucent with sharp faces white 169
mineral silicate MOONSTONE triclinic faces with bluish refraction white or grey 170
rock metamorphic WHITE JADE faint mottling or striations white or grey 136
mineral oxide JASPER OPAL opaque with dark mottling reds and whites 136
mineral oxide PINEAPPLE OPAL opal-replaced quartz clusters cream with green 171
mineral oxide ONYX OPAL opal with opaque black skin black 136
mineral oxide MILK OPAL semi-translucent with reflective mottling cream to white 136
mineral oxide PIPE OPAL opal that forms like stalactites cream with green flash 136
mineral oxide AVENTURINE quartz given shimmery texture by inclusions greenish 135
mineral phosphate TURQUOISE bulbous or amorphous blue-to-green 139
mineral oxide QUARTZ_ROSE rarely crystalline but translucent pale pink 169
mineral oxide CRYSTAL_ROCK sharp pointed crystals colorless 169
mineral nesosilicate BLACK ZIRCON tetragonal or pyramid-tipped opaque black 169
mineral nesosilicate BLACK PYROPE18 multifaceted round gems in matrix dark red or black 172
mineral nesosilicate MELANITE multifaceted round gems in matrix olive green 172
mineral cyclosilicate INDIGO TOURMALINE trigonal bars with flat terminations deep blue or teal 140
mineral nesosilicate BLUE GARNET17,18 multifaceted round gems in matrix dark to pale blue 172
mineral nesosilicate TSAVORITE18 multifaceted round gems in matrix intensely green 172
mineral cyclosilicate GREEN TOURMALINE trigonal bars with flat terminations olive to bright green 140
mineral nesosilicate DEMANTOID18 multifaceted round gems in matrix intensely green 172
mineral nesosilicate GREEN ZIRCON tetragonal or pyramid-tipped greenish 169
rock metamorphic GREEN JADE faint mottling or striations pale to dark green 136
mineral cyclosilicate HELIODOR long flat-ended hexagonal crystals greenish yellow 171
mineral silicate PERIDOT10 indistinct crystalline structure, often massive yellowish green 140
mineral nesosilicate RED ZIRCON tetragonal or pyramid-tipped deep red 169
mineral cyclosilicate RED TOURMALINE trigonal bars with flat terminations red 140
mineral nesosilicate RED PYROPE18 multifaceted round gems in matrix blood red 172
mineral nesosilicate ALMANDINE18 multifaceted round gems in matrix dark red to orange 172
mineral nesosilicate RED GROSSULAR18 multifaceted round gems in matrix dark red to orange 172
mineral cyclosilicate PINK TOURMALINE trigonal bars with flat terminations pink 140
mineral cyclosilicate RED BERYL long flat-ended hexagonal crystals red 171
mineral oxide FIRE OPAL soft tones with occasional flash reddish with green or blue 136
mineral nesosilicate RHODOLITE18 multifaceted round gems in matrix dark red 172
mineral oxide SPINEL_PURPLE semi-translucent with octahedral habits blue or purplish 169
mineral oxide ALEXANDRITE19 various opacity with 6-sided star shape shifting between green and red 169
mineral sorosilicate TANZANITE shafts with arched terminations deep blue to indigo 140
mineral cyclosilicate MORGANITE long flat-ended hexagonal crystals orange to pale pink 171
mineral nesosilicate VIOLET SPESSARTINE18 multifaceted round gems in matrix golden to pale yellow 172
mineral nesosilicate PINK GARNET18 multifaceted round gems in matrix light red 172
mineral inosilicate KUNZITE straight bars with angular terminations pinkish 140
mineral nesosilicate CINNAMON GROSSULAR18 multifaceted round gems in matrix red to orange 172
mineral cyclosilicate HONEY YELLOW BERYL long flat-ended hexagonal crystals yellow 171
mineral oxide JELLY OPAL mottled subtle tones with bright flash grayish with green 136
mineral nesosilicate BROWN ZIRCON tetragonal or pyramid-tipped dark brown to golden 169
mineral nesosilicate YELLOW ZIRCON tetragonal or pyramid-tipped bright to pale yellow 169
mineral cyclosilicate GOLDEN BERYL long flat-ended hexagonal crystals yellow 171
mineral nesosilicate YELLOW SPESSARTINE18 multifaceted round gems in matrix golden to pale yellow 172
mineral silicate TOPAZ long prismatic crystals peach to pale yellow with rare blues 140
mineral nesosilicate TOPAZOLITE18 translucent round crystals with diamond facets brown or dark yellow 172
mineral nesosilicate YELLOW GROSSULAR18 multifaceted round gems in matrix golden to pale yellow 172
mineral oxide RUBICELLE semi-translucent with octahedral habits red or orange 169
mineral nesosilicate CLEAR GARNET18 multifaceted round gems in matrix colorless 172
mineral cyclosilicate GOSHENITE long flat-ended hexagonal crystals colorless 171
mineral oxide CAT'S EYE19 typically massive or amorphous pale greenish 142
mineral nesosilicate CLEAR ZIRCON tetragonal or pyramid-tipped colorless 169
mineral oxide AMETHYST hexagonal crystals with sharp terminations dark to pale purple 169
mineral cyclosilicate AQUAMARINE long flat-ended hexagonal crystals pale blue 171
mineral oxide SPINEL_RED semi-translucent with octahedral habits red 169
mineral oxide CHRYSOBERYL19 various opacity with 6-sided star shape yellowish or greenish 169
mineral oxide OPAL_PFIRE semi-translucent with reflective mottling dark cyans or cream with green flash 136
mineral oxide OPAL_REDFLASH semi-translucent with reflective mottling dark cyans or cream with red flash 136
mineral oxide OPAL_BLACK semi-translucent with reflective mottling particularly dark with purple flash 136
mineral oxide OPAL_WHITE semi-translucent with reflective mottling whitish with pastel flash 136
mineral oxide OPAL_CRYSTAL semi-translucent with reflective mottling colorless with prismatic flash 136
mineral oxide OPAL_CLARO semi-translucent with reflective mottling dark blues or greens with orange flash 136
mineral oxide OPAL_LEVIN semi-translucent with reflective mottling cream with mostly green flash 136
mineral oxide OPAL_HARLEQUIN semi-translucent with reflective mottling dark blue with mostly red flash 136
mineral oxide OPAL_PINFIRE semi-translucent with reflective mottling dark cyans or cream with green flash 136
mineral oxide OPAL_BANDFIRE semi-translucent with reflective mottling blue with blue flash 136
element metalloid DIAMOND_LY roughly octahedral and translucent hint of yellow 169
element metalloid DIAMOND_FY roughly octahedral and translucent hint of yellow 169
mineral cyclosilicate EMERALD long flat-ended hexagonal crystals pale to dark green 171
mineral oxide RUBY tapered hexagonal faces, barrel-like blood red 140
mineral oxide SAPPHIRE20 tapered hexagonal faces, barrel-like dark blue 140
element metalloid DIAMOND_CLEAR roughly octahedral and translucent hint of yellow 169
element metalloid DIAMOND_RED roughly octahedral and translucent hint of red 169
element metalloid DIAMOND_GREEN roughly octahedral and translucent hint of green 169
element metalloid DIAMOND_BLUE roughly octahedral and translucent hint of blue 169
element metalloid DIAMOND_YELLOW roughly octahedral and translucent hint of yellow 169
element metalloid DIAMOND_BLACK roughly octahedral and opaque strongly black 169
mineral oxide SAPPHIRE_STAR tapered hexagonal faces, barrel-like blue with flash 140
mineral oxide RUBY_STAR tapered hexagonal faces, barrel-like red with flash 140

Constructions (Walls, Floors)

Furnitures (Tables, Chairs, Racks, Bridges, Etc)


Trinkets, Tools, and Doodads


  1. Rock salt is not actually a rock, but a singular mineral called Halite.
  2. Dolomite is also not a rock, but a singular whitish crystal. DoloSTONE is the rock being referred to hear which consists, in large part, of dolomite mixed with other minerals.
  3. Granites come in many hues which often have names of their own. Red Granite, Pink Granite, White Granite, Black Granite, etc.
  4. Schist also tends to come in a variety of predictable hues, often grey, brown, blue, and green.
  5. Marble tends to come in a very wide array of variety, and should be split out into a few notable options.
  6. Garnierite is not actually a recognized mineral as there appear to be a wide variety of alternative chemical associations (or even mineral associations that would make it a rock, instead) that produce effects confused as being the same thing.
  7. All of the coals are technically biogenic ROCK produced through metamorphic processes from fossilized material... but the raws often classify them as minerals instead.
  8. Jet is merely considered a particularly quality and workable form of lignite, which means it is still a metamorphic rock or biogenic 'mineraloid' at best.
  9. Literally, brimstone is just a name for sulfur.
  10. Olivine is simply the massive/less translucent form of Peridot, and vice versa.
  11. Hornblende is not officially a mineral at all, but a common name for a population of similar minerals.
  12. Serpentine is not any one mineral, but a grouping of similar minerals with similar qualities.
  13. Alabaster is a common name for any of three minerals derived from calcite or gypsum, but is not a mineral itself.
  14. Selenite is just another name for gypsum, which is already included in the raws. Satinspar is ALSO the same thing as both selenite and gypsum. Only difference in each is shape.
  15. Morion and Smokey Quartz are just slight different shades of the same thing.
  16. Sard and Carnelian are the same mineral.
  17. Blue Garnet is exceptionally rare and should be worth more.
  18. All are garnets; Differences between spessartines, grossulars, and pyropes is largely only in refractive indexes, but are the same mineral with mostly the same colors.
  19. It should be noted that Alexandrite and Cat's Eye are varieties of Chrysoberyl
  20. Technically, Sapphire can come in a variety of colors.