
Join a room by choosing the name you want, share it with your friends, enjoy Viiiiideoooooo :-)


Viiiiideoooooo is designed to provide an easy way to watch live matches and hattrick friends together!

Everyone inside the same room can see others with webcams, share and watch all HT-Live.

A bonus if your browser is compatible, you can listen matches too, yes your computer will speak to you!

Nothing to install, nothing to download, and it's free.


  • A Hattrick account (yeah, a basic requirement :p)
  • A compatible browser, use last version of Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox
  • A webcam is not mandatory but without one there will be less fun ;)
  • A good and reliable internet connection to handle videos streams
  • Some friends to share good time during Hattrick matches :p


The application is designed to be multilingual, you just have to choose your prefered lang when you login.

If your lang is not supported and you want to make it available, drop me a line and I will explain you how to proceed, it's really easy to do!



"THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42): Telesphore wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return.