
Coronavirus Visualization & Modeling

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Coronavirus Visualization & Modeling

This project is about COVID-19 evolution.

I have developed 3 main python projects.

1) A very complete notebook coronavirus-visualization-modeling.ipynb shows the evolution of COVID-19 virus all over the world.

Published version is available on kaggle : https://www.kaggle.com/jeugregg/coronavirus-visualization-modeling

It also focuses on South Korea and France areas.

Animated Maps are Available at Region-level for South Korea, France, USA, China.
Also, more globally, at country-level for all other countries in the World.

Also, this notebook scraps data from French and Korean Health official websites.
If you discover the code, you can see how.
Korean & French data are updated daily.

The world data source is https://github.com/CSSEGISandData/COVID-19 provided by JHU CSSE

South Korea areas data are retrieved with scrapy from KCDC Press Release articles at https://www.cdc.go.kr/board/board.es?mid=a30402000000&bid=0030.

2) App Dashboard with evolution prediction by Deep Learning: app.py

This app is online here : http://app-covid-visu.coolplace.fr/

I added a simple LSTM Deep Learning Tensorflow model to estimate the actual total number of confirmed cases in France.

It is developed in Plotly Dash

You can see the model development notebook ModelCovidTimeSeries.ipynb

The model estimates the number of daily confirmed cases in France for next days by time-series forecast.
For that, it takes a period of 14 days to estimate the next 7 days.
Because of lack of data, it has been trained with only few past periods and validated on only very few periods!

Input Features are daily data for:

  • Min/Max Temperatures
  • Min/Max Humidities
  • Confirmed cases
  • Test cases
  • Day of the week
  • Mean Age of Tested cases
  • Mean Age of Confirmed cases

The predictions are under-estimated because the evolution is big during last days.
The model will learn from this current changing period in few weeks, so predictions must be better.
If new data is available, the model is predicting daily confirmed cases for next days.

The model is hosted on AWS EC2 Cluster (t2.micro).

Because memory needed to do prediction is too high for t2.micro instance, I use AWS Lambda API call only for this purpose.
I have implemented it thanks to serverless framework.

But, the tensorflow model have to be converted in Tensorflow LITE to respect storage limit for AWS lambda function. conversion
For the conversion, LSTM neural network needs special format.
Have a look at this tutorial.

And Tensorflow lite library is pre-compiled before packaging it in lambda function.
If you are interested, look at this very good tutorial.

DATA Sources :

3) Deep Learning for read Table in HTML : readTableWithBERT.ipynb
Additional file : read Table into HTML BERT model resume training.ipynb
I stop this project because I just tried transfert learning from a BERT style model : distilbert and I had bad results.

I prefer adapting scrapy classical method every times table format changed (KCDC table COVID-19 reports).

I used this github to train the model : simpletransformers

I think it is not the good model to do that.