
Solving the knapsack problem using dynamic programming and "greedy" approach.

Primary LanguagePython


Made by: Jevan Smith, and Isaac Davidson

Project Goals

  1. Solve the knapsack problem using dynamic programming and "greedy" appoach.
  2. Compare and contrast with space efficient variant of dynamic programming and heap-based implementation of "greedy" approach.


  • Built using python 3.7, PyCharm (Version 2018.3.5) is recommended
  • time, and math
  • matplotlib is required (Used Version 3.0.2)
  • matplotlib.pyplot
  • matplotlib.patches

Expected Outputs Below

❗ Note to use 'Task 3', matplotlib must be installed! Below is our programs output

[1]: Task 1 and Task 2
[2]: Task 3
Option: 1

*Note: including .txt within the name
Enter file name for c: p06_c.txt
Enter file name for v: p06_v.txt
Enter file name for w: p06_w.txt

Knapsack capacity = 170 Total number of items = 7

Traditional Dynamic Programming Optimal value: 1735
Traditional Dynamic Programming Optimal subset: [2, 4, 7]
Traditional Dynamic Programming Time Taken: 0.00063s

Space-efficient Dynamic Programming Optimal value: 1735
Space-efficient Dynamic Programming Optimal subset: [2, 4, 7]
Space-efficient Dynamic Programming Time Taken: 0.0074s

Greedy Approach Optimal value: 1478
Greedy Approach Optimal subset: [1, 2, 3]
Greedy Approach Time Taken: 1.2e-05s

Heap-based Greedy Approach Optimal value: 1478
Heap-based Greedy Approach Optimal subset: [1, 2, 3]
Heap-based Greedy Approach Time Taken: 2.3e-05s

[1]: Task 1 and Task 2
[2]: Task 3
Option: 1

*Note: including .txt within the name
Enter file name for c: p00_c.txt
Enter file name for v: p00_v.txt
Enter file name for w: p00_w.txt

Knapsack capacity = 5 Total number of items = 4

Traditional Dynamic Programming Optimal value: 37
Traditional Dynamic Programming Optimal subset: [1, 2, 4]
Traditional Dynamic Programming Time Taken: 2.9e-05s

Space-efficient Dynamic Programming Optimal value: 37
Space-efficient Dynamic Programming Optimal subset: [1, 2, 4]
Space-efficient Dynamic Programming Time Taken: 0.00016s

Greedy Approach Optimal value: 25
Greedy Approach Optimal subset: [2, 4]
Greedy Approach Time Taken: 9.1e-06s

Heap-based Greedy Approach Optimal value: 25
Heap-based Greedy Approach Optimal subset: [2, 4]
Heap-based Greedy Approach Time Taken: 1.7e-05s