This project aims to automatically generate keywords from a text file using Python 3. All data is stored in a SQLite database.
For now a keyword weight is defined by using the following:
- Word that is used in the text more frequently than in general English texts. For example words like: "the", "is" or "that" are very common on any given text so simply counting how many times a word appears on a text is not enough. This algorithm for sure has lots of room for improvement.
keyword weight = (permillion times word appears in text under analysis / permillion times word appears in any given English corpus )
How spread a word is in the text, if a word appears throught the whole text vs only in a chapter may be more important. For this the program calculates the standard deviation of the positions a word appears on the text.
A word not in the API database but appears a lot in the text may be important. Such as names of characters.
Word statistics are retrieved from WordsAPI check for reference.
IMPORTANT: file needs to be renamed including your API key , for now API allows 2,500 requests per day for free, you just have to be registered in RapidAPI
Database structure is in database.pdf file.
- Text under analysis needs to be in /Books folder
- Use to load text in database, program counts how many times each words appears and the relative position each word appears on the text. This is the first program to run as it builds the database file.
- Use to retrieve statistics from API and store in db (Words). Idea is to only retrieve a word from API once.
- Use to calculate keyword weight and store results in db (Summary)
- Automatically deal with different encodings.
- Improve REGEX to deal with different versions of same words: e.g. don't = dont, john = john's
- Define parameters to ponder the different algorithms (weight, stdev, unknown words).
- Define how many of the top words in the text are really needed to build the keywords.
- API has lots of information that can be used such as synonyms or words that can be related together. This could be used to look for words that are related together and give more weight. (e.g. if driver, car, gasoline are present their importance could be raised as text may be talking about a particular subject.)
- Easier to use experience
- Results visualization, for now program outputs a keyword.csv file. I generate a wordcloud using Wolfram-Mathematica file wordcloud.nb
This project is my final project from Python for Everybody specialization taken in Coursera Thanks to Dr.Chuck for being a great teacher.