
This is a complete ISO 3166-1 encoding list. It is ordered by ISO3166_1_A2 ascending. There are currently 249 ISO 3166-1 countries. England, Northern-Ireland, Scotland and Wales are added to that because they are used by FIFA.


This is a complete ISO 3166-1 encoding list, with short country names. It is ordered by ISO3166_1_A2 ascending. There are currently 249 ISO 3166-1 countries. England, Northern-Ireland, Scotland and Wales are added to that because they are used by FIFA. It also contains the corresponding IOC and FIFA three letter codes and the filenames of the country flag image(s).

  • Total countries: 253
  • Fileformat: txt file separated by tabs, and corresponding excel file
  • Languages: English (en), Dutch (nl)

Data is taken from:

Flag icons

I've included the flag icons from http://icondrawer.com/free.php
See the link for details and terms of use.

You can also get the flags in a wide range of sizes and flavors from this awesome project:

For the least amount of hassle: https://github.com/koppi/iso-country-flags-svg-collection#download-the-icon-sets