
This project is Hotel Booking website made using Django and frontend frameworks. This website has whole lot of functionality that any complex Booking website have.

Primary LanguageCSS


STEP-1 : Install PostgreSQl with pgAdmin

How to install PostgreSQL?

Download postgreSQL from following link and install

STEP-2 : Set Up Database

Open PgAdmin and Create a database with name Partuma in PgAdmin.

STEP-3 : Clone this repository

STEP-4 : Creating Virtual environment

Use following command to set up virtual environment

py -m venv <env-name>

Activate environment


STEP-5 Install requirements.txt

pip install -r requirements.txt

STEP-6 : Go to partuma/settings.py

Replace database_name, database_user and database_password in following code
    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql',
        'NAME': 'your-database-name',
        'USER': 'your-user-name',
        'PASSWORD': 'your-password',
        'HOST': 'localhost'

STEP-7 : Go to partuma/settings.py

Enter your email_id and password in following code

EMAIL_HOST_USER = "your-email"

EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = "your-password"

STEP-8 : Go to rooms/views.py

Enter your account_sid and auth_token for twilio in following code

 auth_token  = "your-auth-token"

[Note: There are multiple variables in views.py so you have to replace all]

Also change from_ = "number" with your twilio number in views.py under function send_sms, partuma_confirmation, client_confirmation

For example :


STEP-9 : Go to rooms/views.py

Under partuma_confirmation function enter manager/owner number so confirmation message will be sent to manager/owner.

to="+<country_code>" + str(manager_number)

STEP-10 : Run following commands

python manage.py makemigrations

python manage.py migrate

python manage.py runserver

Hurrah your website is running

Set up superuser

Use following command

python manage.py createsuperuser

Thank you