
Effortlessly grab text from a screenshot on your Mac.

Primary LanguagePython

Grab Text for Mac OS

Install dependencies

  • You need homebrew and pip already installed

  • You can run installer.py to automatically install necessary dependencies

  • Or you can run these commands to manually install dependencies.

    • Make sure homebrew is up to date

      • brew update
    • Install tesseract Binaries Using Homebrew-

      • brew install tesseract
    • Install pytesseract Using pip

      • pip install pytesseract
    • Install pillow using homebrew

      • brew install Homebrew/python/pillow

How to use

  • Once you've installed the dependencies you can navigate to the project directory and run:
    • python3 ./app.py
  • A screenshot will start and you should be able to drag the screenshot area selector around the text you would like to copy.
  • The text will be read from the image and printed to the terminal
  • You can cancel a screenshot by pressing escape. This will print the previous text that was grabbed.

Tips for Easy Use

  • I recommend adding an alias for this app to your .bashrc
  • Here's the alias I use, don't forget to update the file path:
    • alias grab-text="python3 pathToAppDirectory/app.py"
  • Once you have pasted that line in your .bashrc and restarted your terminal you can run the command grab-text to start the app.