Full-Stack PHP Coding Challenge

Welcome to the Yard Venture Full-Stack PHP Developer Coding Challenge!

The following is a fictional delivery calendar project for customers who subscribed to "X" service.

When a user creates a subscription, they have a calendar on their online account where they can see what deliveries they have coming up for the following 6 weeks. They have the ability to "untick" an upcoming delivery and mark it as a holiday, or "tick" an unticked upcoming delivery day for upcoming deliveries they have already created a holiday for.

Most customers are on a weekly subscription, however some customers are on fortnightly subscriptions. Fortnightly customers will have a delivery every other week by default, so every other week will appear "unticked" on their calendar. However they can tick these deliveries (also known as non-interval weeks) and choose to receive a one-off additional delivery that they otherwise would not (also known as opt-in deliveries).

From the customer's point of view they see the next 6 weeks of their deliveries, along with a tick stating they are due a delivery, or no tick stating they aren't due a delivery.

Weekly customer account example


Fortnightly customer account example


In the database we have a table called upcoming_deliveries which has an entry for each subscription's next 6 delivery days and whether it is part of the subscription's normal interval, in addition to whether it is set as a holiday, or is set as an opt_in delivery. For the purpose of this test we won't be using any storage or databases and will instead do it all in-memory.

The task

  • Fork this repository to your own GitHub account, create a new branch and do all your changes on this branch. When you are done please pull request your changes into master (Without merging!) so we can review the pull request.
  • You can create or add any additional tests you may require, but please do not modify any of the existing tests as these should all ideally pass at the end of the exercise.
  • For the purpose of this exercise you should not be storing any data in a database or in storage, instead everything should be in memory using PHP.
  • Please do not delete any of the existing Entity & Service classes (or their methods), you may add additional methods, or change how existing methods work if needbe.
  • Create simple frontend which will be connected with a backend that you've created.
  • There should be two pages:
    • Home Page - select subscription (weekly/fortnightly)
    • Subscription Page - show delivery dates, select holidays, opt-in extra deliveries(fortnightly).
  • Frontend should be created using the following tools:
    • HTML
    • jQuery,
    • Bootstrap 4
    • Webpack

Getting started

  • CD into the directory where you have cloned your fork of this repository and run composer install.
  • Run ./vendor/bin/phpunit. The tests will initially fail, your task is to write the code that ensures they pass.
  • Once complete, commit and push the result to a new branch. Pull request the branch and send us the URL to review.

The business rules

  1. A subscription results in recurring deliveries. Each subscription has a specific delivery day (e.g. Tuesday) so the deliveries will always be on this day.
  2. A subscription can have plans. These include:
    • Weekly: Where the customer receives a delivery every week on the same day.
    • Fortnightly: Where the customer receives a delivery every other week on the same day.
  3. An active subscription should be able to forecast upcoming deliveries (ScheduleOrders, typically 6 weeks' worth) that the customer will be able to see on their account.
  4. Both weekly & fortnightly customers have the ability to skip interval delivery days by setting them as holiday. This means the delivery is skipped and the customer isn't charged.
  5. Fortnightly customers also have the ability to opt-in to weeks they normally wouldn't have a delivery if they like the arrangement that week. They can still make holidays on their usual delivery days too.
  6. A customer shouldn't be able to make a holiday on a date they normally don't have a delivery. Likewise they shouldn't be able to opt-in to an order if it is their usual delivery interval.


  • In this project for dates we have decided to use the Carbon date library. You may find it useful to have a quick look at the documentation here.
  • There are many different possible solutions and approaches to implement the required business rules here and make the tests pass. We are not looking a specific solution but instead are more interested in your approach, how you've implemented your solution and how you structure & format your code.
  • You should try to follow SOLID principles as a general guideline.
  • All code MUST be formatted to PSR-2 coding style guidelines
  • Please include docblocks for your methods and comment only where necessary.
  • Please keep to using the Service pattern if you need to add any additional services.
  • If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.