
An iOS demonstrating using submodules.

Primary LanguageObjective-C


An iOS demonstrating using submodules.

###Step 1:

  • Clone down this project (or create a new single view controller in Xcode)
  • Add AFNetworking as a submodule (https://github.com/AFNetworking/AFNetworking)
    • In terminal navigate to the directory of your project
    • git submodule add https://github.com/AFNetworking/AFNetworking.git External/AFNetworking
    • Note: This clones the code to our computer, we need to add it to the project
  • Add the source code in the AFNetworking folder to your app
    • Note: Do not select "Copy items into destination group's folder" - We want references, not actual copies of the files

###Step 2:

  • Use AFNetworking
  • In the viewDidLoad method create a NSURLRequest for the URL http://www.timeapi.org/utc/now
  • Initialize an AFHTTPRequestOperation with that urlrequest
  • setCompletionBlock on the request operation
  • Call start on that operation

###You just made a network request.


###Step 3: Add a NetworkController

  • Create an NSObject subclass called NetworkController
  • Add a sessionManager property @property (nonatomic, strong) AFHTTPSessionManager *sessionManager; to the interface section of the implementation file (you may have to type it up yourself.
  • Add the base URL of the new time request as a static string: NSString * const baseURL = @"http://time.jsontest.com";
  • Add an init method, and in the init method initialize the sessionManager with a default configuration and base URL.

###Step 4: Add a request method

  • Add the method - (void)getExactTimeInfo:(void (^)(NSDictionary *exactTimeInfo, NSError *error))completion; to the header file.
  • In the implementation of that method call GET on the session manager with the @"/" endpoint.

###Step 5: A simple UI

  • Add a UILabel property to the class and wire it up in your storyboard

###Step 6: Call the request method

  • In the viewDidLoad method initialize a NetworkController
  • Call the getExactTimeInfo method on the network controller
  • Set the label text to the exactTimeInfo[@"time"]