A general cross-platform tool for preparing simulations of molecules and complex molecular assemblies
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new OPLSSAA forcefield from late-2023 paper
#104 opened by DrDomenicoMarson - 2
Force field composition
#103 opened by scmartin - 3
"barr" pressure units?
#100 opened by zhuwenli0723 - 2
issue 'bond atom missing in image check'
#102 opened by Gonglinquan - 1
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About OPLSAA example of hexadecane
#98 opened by chaosicong - 9
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Problem running
#94 opened by luizpzidoi - 3
- 0
oplasaa atomtype lack
#96 opened by hu-fu1 - 1
英語版ページの「Staff Wanted」を削除する
#92 opened by Yuma-Chikazawa - 2
Error in membrane example
#89 opened by LyMai10 - 4
Bug in
#88 opened by PhnRvTjN - 2
One test fails
#86 opened by yurivict - 4
No module named moltemplate.lttree_check
#44 opened by Addiw7 - 4
SPC/E in force_fields/
#85 opened by feifzhou - 2
Dihedrals in ethene?
#84 opened by YunxingZuo - 7
Tests fail to run: no tests ran in 0.09 seconds
#65 opened by yurivict - 3
Atom type not found in the
#83 opened by EnthusiasticTeslim - 5
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Help for reading coordinates from pdb files.
#81 opened by ms123456-TX - 2
Specifying Geometry in Moltemplate
#80 opened by yunessalman - 4
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Doubts with bonds_type
#62 opened by ProfLeao - 1
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The number of columns in your data file does not match the LAMMPS atom_style you selected. Use the -atomstyle <style> command line argument.
#76 opened by hnadeem2 - 1
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DREIDING hbond interactions undefined for atoms which are both donors and acceptors
#46 opened by jewettaij - 4
The number of columns in your data file does not match the LAMMPS atom_style you selected.
#64 opened by conandolley103 - 4
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ERROR: Current temperature too close to zero, consider using ptemp setting (../fix_nh.cpp:788) Last command: run 2000
#58 opened by vibhuvardhansingh - 3
A question about how to build graphene/ polymer interfaces or hexagonal boron nitride /polymer interfaces
#55 opened by ysdlucky - 4
A possible error in the oplsaa force field file
#57 opened by ysdlucky - 4
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drymartini and martini file issues
#51 opened by piskuliche - 2
About the output the mass information of all atoms of the force field in for "all atoms"
#52 opened by ysdlucky - 4
Error message from genpoly.
#50 opened by ProfLeao - 1 fails when box size changes (NPT)
#49 opened by jewettaij - 7
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a bug to
#37 opened by Roy-Kid - 15
#36 opened by Roy-Kid