
Puppet module for deploying dhcp

Primary LanguageRubyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

DHCP module for Puppet

Build Status Code Coverage Puppet Forge Puppet Forge - downloads Puppet Forge - endorsement Puppet Forge - scores


Installs and manages a DHCP server.


  • Multiple subnet support
  • Host reservations
  • Secure dynamic DNS updates when combined with Bind
  • Can create a dummy (ignored) subnet so that the server can be used only as a helper-address target


Define the server and the zones it will be responsible for.

class { 'dhcp':
  service_ensure => running,
  dnsdomain      => [
  nameservers  => [''],
  ntpservers   => ['us.pool.ntp.org'],
  interfaces   => ['eth0'],
  dnsupdatekey => '/etc/bind/keys.d/rndc.key',
  dnskeyname   => 'rndc-key',
  require      => Bind::Key['rndc-key'],
  pxeserver    => '',
  pxefilename  => 'pxelinux.0',
  omapi_port   => 7911,


Define the pool attributes. This example will create a pool, which serves IPs of two different ranges in the same network.

May be passed as a hash into the DHCP class.

dhcp::pool{ 'ops.dc1.example.net':
  network => '',
  mask    => '',
  range   => ['', '' ],
  gateway => '',


Define a subnet that will be ignored - useful for making the DHCP server only respond to requests forwarded by switches etc.

May be passed as a hash into the DHCP class.

dhcp::ignoredsubnet{ 'eth0':
  network => '',
  mask    => '',


Create host reservations.

May be passed as a hash into the DHCP class.

dhcp::host { 'server1':
  comment => 'Optional descriptive comment',
  mac     => '00:50:56:00:00:01',
  ip      => '',


Parameters are available to configure pxe or ipxe

Boot ipxe from pxe. When configured this overrides pxefilename. For more information see ipxe.org.

class { 'dhcp':
  ipxe_filename  => 'undionly.kpxe',
  ipxe_bootstrap => 'bootstrap.kpxe',
  pxeserver      => '',

The following is the list of all parameters available for this class.

Parameter Data Type Default Value
authoritative Boolean true
ddns_update_static String 'on'
ddns_update_style String 'interim'
ddns_update_optimize String 'on'
default_lease_time Integer 43200
dhcp_conf_ddns String 'INTERNAL_TEMPLATE'
dhcp_conf_extra String 'INTERNAL_TEMPLATE'
dhcp_conf_fragments Hash {}
dhcp_conf_header String 'INTERNAL_TEMPLATE'
dhcp_conf_ntp String 'INTERNAL_TEMPLATE'
dhcp_conf_pxe String 'INTERNAL_TEMPLATE'
dhcp_dir String $dhcp::params::dhcp_dir
dhcpd_conf_filename String 'dhcpd.conf'
dnsdomain Array undef
dnskeyname String undef
dnssearchdomains Array []
dnsupdatekey String undef
extra_config String ''
globaloptions String ''
interface String 'NOTSET'
interfaces Array undef
ipxe_bootstrap String undef
ipxe_filename String undef
ldap_base_dn String 'dc=example, dc=com'
ldap_debug_file String undef
ldap_method String 'dynamic'
ldap_password String ''
ldap_port Integer 389
ldap_server String 'localhost'
ldap_username String 'cn=root, dc=example, dc=com'
logfacility String 'daemon'
manage_service Boolean true
max_lease_time Integer 86400
mtu Integer undef
nameservers Array []
nameservers_ipv6 Array []
ntpservers Array []
omapi_algorithm String HMAC-MD5
omapi_key String undef
omapi_name String undef
omapi_port Integer undef
option_code150_label String pxegrub
option_code150_value String text
package_provider String $dhcp::params::package_provider
packagename String $dhcp::params::packagename
pxefilename String undef
pxeserver String undef
service_ensure Enum running
servicename String $dhcp::params::servicename
use_ldap Boolean false
dhcp_classes Hash {}
hosts Hash {}
ignoredsubnets Hash {}
pools Hash {}
pools6 Hash {}


Zach Leslie zach.leslie@gmail.com Ben Hughes git@mumble.org.uk Sam Dunster sdunster@uow.edu.au Garrett Honeycutt gh@learnpuppet.com Matt Kirby mk.kirby@gmail.com