
  • Pull/update users' dotfiles projects from github


  • git
  • Public project named "dotfiles" in your github account



  dotfiles { 'jv': gituser => 'boinger'; }

###With overrides Default values (other than $gituser, which has no default, of course) shown

  dotfiles {'jv':
      gituser      => 'boinger',
      giturl       => "git://github.com",
      project      => "dotfiles",
      dotfiles_dir => "home",
      branch       => "master",
      homedir      => "/home/${name}"
      clobber      => true,
      bak_ext      => '.bak',
      single_pull  => false,
      rebase       => true,
      frequency    => 30;


  • gituser: Your github username
  • giturl: If you for some reason aren't using the normal github base URL
  • project: Name of your dotfiles project
  • dotfiles_dir: Subdirectory under your dotfiles project containing the dotfiles.
    (.bashrc, .bash_profile, .zshrc, .nethackrc, etc, etc)
  • branch: If you want to pull a specific branch of your dotfiles project
  • homedir: Your home directory on the puppet-managed host
  • clobber: insert dotfiles, moving any existing conflicts out of the way
  • bak_ext: extension to append to filenames of existing files to get them out of the way. Only matters if you have $clobber = true.
  • single_pull: Option to pull down the dotfiles one time only (no recurring pulls)
  • rebase: If you prefer git pull --rebase to git pull (since your dotfiles are likely being modded by just you, you may want this)
  • frequency: Minimum time between pulls (in minutes)


Copyright (C) 2013 Jeff Vier jeff@jeffvier.com (Author)
License: Apache 2.0