
Ansible role to configure a VNC server

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Role Name

Simple role to configures a VNC server for multiple users.


This role was only tested on CentOS 8 Stream, and ansible vbersion 2.12.10.

Role Variables

Configure these variables in your group_vars or host-vars.

  • vnc_users: A list of users, displays and password for each user. Variable under this var are as follows
  • user: The user name which will be used to configure the settings for that user.
  • display_id: The X window for that user
  • vnc_password: The password to add using the vncpasswd for that user.
  • vnc_ports: List of ports to open in firewalld to allow access to the VNC users. The ports will usually be 5901 for the user using display :1, and so on.
  • enable_firewalld: You can set this to False if you don't want the playbook to make changes to firewalld. Defalts to True.
  • firewalld_zone: The firewalld zone to add the ports to. You can find an example of these variable in this repo.
  • additional_packages: A list of additional packages to install.
  • install_utilities: This will install the packages listed in the additional_packages.
  • install_chrome: Add the google chrome repo and installs chrome.


This role includes various tasks.

  • configure_os.yml: Here are some OS configuratios that make the VNC experience a bit better.
  • configure_firewall.yml: This configures firewalld to allow to open ports when enable_firewalld is set to True.
  • install_packages.yml: This installs some essential packages. You can add a list of packages you want to install in host_vars or group_vars. The default list can be found in vars/main.yml.
  • configure_vnc.yml: This configures the users and passwords for the VNC users, and enables the services.