Scans Database Metadata to determine how to model Uses Parallel Batch Importer to ingest data from all tables in parallel
Blog Post: docs/relational_to_neo4j_import_tool.adoc
Currently you need apache maven installed.
Command line parameters are: "jdbc:url" "schema" "graph.db"
e.g. "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/northwind?user=root" "northwind" "northwind.db"
Table with primary key become nodes
FK (1:1, 1:n and n:1) become relationships
Tables with no PK and exactly two FK and properties become relationships (optionally also if there is a pk)
Tables with more than two FK become nodes
remove all fk fields
Table name, column name transformation
Modeling Rules by table name pattern
Type transformation
Skipping Columns / Rows
Unique Constraints
Compound Indexes (create artificial property)
Skip keys
Limit row rounds, by time
Custom SQL statements
Configure concurrency for JDBC reads