
Print a list of paths as a tree of paths 🌳

Primary LanguageRustOtherNOASSERTION


Build Status

Print a list of paths as a tree of paths.

For example, given:


it will print:

├── dir1
│   ├── foo.txt
│   └── bar.txt
└── dir2
    └── qux.txt

This tool is particularly useful when used with find or fd to produce such a list of files. It's similar in spirit to tree, but find and fd tend to be more powerful when it comes to controlling which files to list.

Inspired by this feature request.


There are pre-built binary releases in the Releases tab.

This project is written in Rust and builds under both Bazel and Cargo.

To install from source using Cargo:

cargo install -f --git https://github.com/jez/as-tree

To install from source using Bazel:

git clone https://github.com/jez/as-tree
cd as-tree
make install


❯ as-tree --help
Print a list of paths as a tree of paths.

  as-tree [options] [<filename>]

  <filename>        The file to read from. When omitted, reads from stdin.

  --color (always|auto|never)
                    Whether to colorize the output [default: auto]
  -f                Prints the full path prefix for each file.
  -h, --help        Print this help message

  find . -name '*.txt' | as-tree


This tool is particularly useful with tools like fd which can prune the list of files to print better than tree can alone.

❯ fd --exclude test | as-tree
├── LICENSE.md
├── Makefile
├── README.md
├── bazel
├── main
│   ├── BUILD
│   └── main.cc
├── third_party
│   ├── BUILD
│   ├── externals.bzl
│   └── spdlog.BUILD
└── tools
    ├── BUILD
    ├── clang.bzl
    └── scripts
        ├── build_compilation_db.sh
        └── generate_compdb_targets.sh


Running the tests requires Bazel. The ./bazel shell script in this repo will download and cache a specific version of Bazel for you. From there, Bazel knows how to install all the dependencies it needs to build this project (including a Rust toolchain).

# Run the tests:
./bazel test --test_output=errors //test

# To add a test, create two files:
# - test/fixtures/foo.txt
# - test/fixtures/foo.txt.exp
# The first file is the input to feed to `as-tree`, and the second is the
# expected output of `as-tree` on that input

# Update all the tests:
./bazel test //test:update

# When you add a new dependency, you'll need to add it with Bazel too:
cargo install cargo-raze # (one time setup)
cd third_party/cargo
cargo raze


  • rustfmt / buildifier / shellcheck in CI
  • Only use box drawing characters if the locale supports it
    • See man locale, LC_CTYPE=C tree
  • Add a -0 flag to support files with newlines in their name
    • Seriously why is this allowed?