The fruits of my labour, from multi-layered applications to bite-size sprints, you will find it here and more. Java β Spring π Android π€
Manchester, UK.
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Adhering to the MVVM architectural pattern, this Java application is built in Android Studio as part of a collaborative effort from all the team at Jenerics Software. Our primary goal: create a responsive UI with an intuitive design. Critical data and services are provided by our own RendezVenue API.
Adhering to an MVC architectural style, this Java Spring Boot REST API provisions a complementary Android frontend application with all the services and data it requires. Built from a TDD perspective with an emphasis on clean, robust design, this project gave the team a sandbox to experiment with new approaches and technologies.
Java Spring Boot application modelling an inventory system API for a fictional music retailer with an emphasis on clean, robust API design from a TDD perspective.
Built within Android Studio, this Java application complements the TrackDaw IMS API with an elegant and modern frontend.
Thirty-seven years later, Wallace and Gromit take to their rocket once again in a daring return to the Moon. But what dangers await them? Can Wallace replenish his cheese stocks before sinister events transpire?
A project written in Python using the Fast Fourier Transform for filtering out background interference on signals originating from distant extraterrestrial bodies.
Trialling new string methods
My first repository.
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