
Primary LanguageShellBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


The whole project was based on the idea that a proper digital signage could be handled with Raspberry Pi only.

The server part can also be handled by a Raspberry Pi, there isn't much performance required for this CMS.

The client part requires a little more configuration due to the wonky video hardware acceleration on these type of chips.

Client installation

I recommend using Raspbian Lite, a console-based OS with minimal dependencies : direct download. Since we're going to install our own lightweight desktop environment, this is the most optimal solution, although it'll be a long install process. The latest tested version is Stretch, but anything will work with some dependencies updates.

  • Burn this image on a 4Gb or more µSD card using the appropriate tool
  • Connect RPi to a screen and network (DHCP)
  • Login by SSH using root / raspberry
  • Do not forget to change root password with passwd
  • Extend the partition to fill SD card


Configuration of the Raspberry Pi can be mostly automated, beside some prompts for specific details :

wget "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jf-guillou/lcds-rpi-client/master/install-raspberrypi.sh" -O - | bash -s -

This will install everything and configure most options at the beginning. This whole installation can take an hour.

Please also note that by default, the screen will shutdown at 6pm and reboot at 7am every weekday. This can be modified by editing the cron file /etc/cron.d/display_manager.

Manual Configuration

In case you don't trust an automatic installer

Below are the complete explanations for the commands used in the auto-install script :

  • Packages installation
apt update
apt upgrade -y
apt install -y apt-utils raspi-config
apt install -y keyboard-configuration console-data
apt install -y rpi-update nano sudo lightdm spectrwm xwit xserver-xorg python python-tk lxterminal
  • Configure OS
raspi-config nonint do_memory_split 128
raspi-config nonint do_change_timezone
raspi-config nonint do_overscan 1
  • Change root password
  • Create autostart user & set its password
useradd -m -s /bin/bash -G sudo -G video $DISP_USER
passwd $DISP_USER
  • Install browser
wget http://steinerdatenbank.de/software/kweb-
tar -xzf kweb-
cd kweb-
  • Configure display
# Light DM autologin on user
sed -i s/#autologin-user=/autologin-user=$DISP_USER/ /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf

# Spectrwm autostart script
echo "
disable_border        = 1
bar_enabled           = 0
autorun               = ws[1]:/usr/local/bin/lcds-autorun.sh
" > /home/$DISP_USER/.spectrwm.conf
chown $DISP_USER: /home/$DISP_USER/.spectrwm.conf
  • Setup scripts
# Configuration
LCDS=$(whiptail --inputbox "Please input your webserver address (ie: 'https://lcds-webserver')" 0 0 --nocancel 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3)
CONFIG=$(whiptail --title "Configuration" --separate-output --checklist "Select configuration options" 0 0 0 \
  "WIFI" "Install wifi modules" OFF \
  "SQUID" "Use internal Squid caching proxy (Recommended)" ON \
  "PREFETCHER" "Use internal prefectcher instead of XHR (Recommended)" ON 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3)
for c in $CONFIG ; do
  case $c in
    "WIFI") WIFI=1 ;;
    "SQUID") SQUID=1 ;;
    *) ;;

echo "#!/bin/bash
# Logs storage
export LOGS=\"$LOGS\"

# Enable Squid
export SQUID=$SQUID # 1 or 0

# Enable Wifi
export WIFI=$WIFI # 1 or 0

# Use prefetcher

# Brower for kiosk mode
export BROWSER=\"kweb\"

# Video player binaries. Should not be modified
export VIDEO=\"omxplayer.bin\"

# Frontend
export LCDS=\"$LCDS\"
" > /etc/lcds-client.conf

# Load configuration
. /etc/lcds-client.conf

# Scripts
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jf-guillou/lcds-rpi-client/master/autorun.sh -O /usr/local/bin/lcds-autorun.sh
chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/lcds-autorun.sh

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jf-guillou/lcds-rpi-client/master/update-raspberrypi.sh -O /usr/local/bin/lcds-update-raspberrypi.sh
chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/lcds-update-raspberrypi.sh

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jf-guillou/lcds-rpi-client/master/connectivity.sh -O /usr/local/bin/lcds-connectivity.sh
chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/lcds-connectivity.sh
  • Configure browser in kiosk mode
echo "-JEKR+-zbhrqfpoklgtjneduwxyavcsmi#?!.," > /home/$DISP_USER/.kweb.conf

chown $DISP_USER: /home/$DISP_USER/.kweb.conf
  • Configure media player
echo "
omxplayer_in_terminal_for_video = False
omxplayer_in_terminal_for_audio = False
useAudioplayer = False
useVideoplayer = False
" >> /usr/local/bin/kwebhelper_settings.py

sudo -u $DISP_USER mkdir /home/$DISP_USER/bin/
sudo -u $DISP_USER wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jf-guillou/lcds-rpi-client/master/omxplayer -O /home/$DISP_USER/bin/omxplayer
chmod u+x /home/$DISP_USER/bin/omxplayer
  • Configure local proxy
if [ $SQUID -eq 1 ] ; then
apt install -y squid3

echo "http_port

acl localhost src

http_access allow localhost
http_access deny all

cache_dir aufs /var/spool/squid3 1024 16 256
maximum_object_size 256 MB

cache_store_log /var/log/squid3/store.log
read_ahead_gap 1 MB

refresh_pattern -i (\.mp4|\.jpg|\.jpeg) 43200 100% 129600 reload-into-ims

strip_query_terms off
range_offset_limit none

error_directory /usr/share/squid3/errors/force_reload
" > /etc/squid3/squid.local.conf
echo "include /etc/squid3/squid.local.conf" >> /etc/squid3/squid.conf
mkdir /usr/share/squid3/errors/force_reload
echo "<html><head></head><body style=\"background-color: black; color: gray;\">
%c - %U
<script type=\"text/javascript\">window.onload = function() {setTimeout(function() {window.location.reload();}, 10000);};</script>
" > /usr/share/squid3/errors/force_reload/generic
ln -s /usr/share/squid3/errors/force_reload/generic /usr/share/squid3/errors/force_reload/ERR_CONNECT_FAIL
ln -s /usr/share/squid3/errors/force_reload/generic /usr/share/squid3/errors/force_reload/ERR_DNS_FAIL
  • Configure Prefetcher
wget https://github.com/jf-guillou/httpPrefetch/releases/download/v0.1.0/httpPrefetch -O /usr/local/bin/httpPrefetch
chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/httpPrefetch
  • Configure Wifi
if [ $WIFI -eq 1 ] ; then
apt install -y firmware-brcm80211 pi-bluetooth wpasupplicant

SSID=$(whiptail --inputbox "Please input your wifi SSID" 8 0 --nocancel 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3)
PSK=$(whiptail --passwordbox "Please input your wifi password" 8 0 --nocancel 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3)

echo "ctrl_interface=/run/wpa_supplicant

" > /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant-wlan0.conf
wpa_passphrase "$SSID" "$PSK" >> /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant-wlan0.conf
echo "
auto wlan0
allow-hotplug wlan0
iface wlan0 inet manual" > /etc/network/interfaces.d/wlan0
  • Configure auto shutdown
echo "0 18 * * 1-5 $DISP_USER touch /tmp/turnoff_display >> $LOGS/autorun.log 2>&1
0 7  * * 1-5 $DISP_USER /usr/bin/sudo /sbin/reboot >> $LOGS/autorun.log 2>&1
" > /etc/cron.d/display_manager

This will make the screen black after 6pm and reboot the pi at 7am. The reboot is not mandatory, but helps a lot with the general wonkyness of the RPi.

  • Firmware update
rpi-update && reboot
  • Ready

The browser should start, register with lcds server and display the authorization screen.