
Primary LanguagePython

MPS Software Qualification


  • Place the qual.tar.gz into the folder where it’s going to be used.
  • Unzip qual file.
  • Once the it’s uncompressed, list qual directory, and there should be 3 subdirectories (3rdParty, common and qual)
$ ls qual
  • Move into 3rdParty directory. This directory contains all package and tools required to run the MPS Software Qualification.
$ cd 3rdParty
  • Run:
$ sudo easy_install pip
  • To install all features, tools and packages, run:
$ sudo ./setup.sh

Now, the system should be ready to run the MPS Software Qualification.


  • Open 3 terminals.
  • In All 3 windows move to qual/src:
$ cd qual/src/
  • First window is used to run the simulators.
  • Run
$ ./simulators/startsims.sh
  • Second window is used for QTA.
  • Log as root and run:
$ python qual/qta/qta.py
  • Third window is used for QTE menu.
  • Run:
$ python qual/qte/qteMenu.py -j
  • Can specify IP address by adding argument: -s xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
  • A list of all modules available should diplay and from there, follow the option prompts.


  • Run:
$ <ctrl> + z
$ kill -9 %1