"Yet another bootstrapped sphinx theme."
Sphinxtrap is a minimalist bootstrap2-based + fontawesome sphinx theme, You can see an example here.
pip install sphinxtrap
In in the project's conf.py
add sphinxtrap.ext.rawtoc to extensions, set
the html_theme to "sphinxtrap", and html_theme_path to
[sphinxtrap.get_theme_dir()] like this:
import sphinxtrap
extensions = ["sphinxtrap.ext.rawtoc"]
html_theme = 'sphinxtrap'
html_theme_path = [sphinxtrap.get_theme_dir()]
You can add Font Awesome icons by using the icon role:
Produces an <em>
tag that will be changed into a <i>
on a javascript
onload event:
<i class="icon-rocket icon-2x icon-pull-right"></i>
You can add bootstrap buttons via the btn role, ex: .. code-block:: rst
:btn:`Sphinx <https://http://sphinx-doc.org/>,btn-success,icon-globe`
The format is, "link <url>,html-class,html-class".
Note that as opposed to the :icon:
role, the :btn:
role needs the "icon-" part to use FA icons.
- analytics:
- Adds GA code if it is present (or not None)
- inverse:
- Adds the nabvar-inverse bootstrap class to the navbar.
- new_page_external_links:
- Defaults to true, makes the theme to open external links in a new window.
- css_files:
- A list with custom css styles, that will be loaded from the static_path defined
If you customize the logo make sure it is a 32x32 image.
html_theme_options = {'analytics':"YOUR-ANALITICS-CODE", 'inverse': False}
html_logo = None #will fallback to the folder icon
new_page_external_links = true