A2: View Source

Edit the index.html file with the following:

  • Add appropriate structural HTML tags (doctype, html, head, body, etc.)
  • Add some media to this page, like an image of your favorite animal.
  • Using an ordered list, write step by step instructions for viewing the HTML source of a web page in your favorite browser. Include the name of the browser.
  • Invent and add a new unique metaphor for this action (e.g. “Looking under the hood”)
  • Style your page with CSS
  • Confirm your page uses valid HTML and CSS

Bonus: Add a table with your weekly dream schedule (what you will do when the robots take over)



  1. Fork this repository
  2. Clone your fork to your computer
  3. Commit all your changes and push them up to your fork using git push
  4. Submit a PR against this repository, not your fork
  5. Note: Re-read (4). We are asking your to do the opposite of what you'd normally do.
  6. Deploy your work to a publicly available location using https://surge.sh/ (or similar)
  7. Submit your public URL as "proof of work" to Canvas with any comments you'd like to add