
A generic derivative of the PyCon Code of Conduct with placeholders for event details.

The C++ Code of Conduct is a derivative of the PyCon Code of Conduct intended for use at C++ community events. It is generic; concrete event details, contact info, etc have been replaced with generic placeholders.

All placeholders match the regex %%[A-Za-z0-9-]+%%. The placeholders are:

%%CONFERENCE%%             - Name of the conference.
%%COMMUNITY%%              - The community served by the conference. 
%%REPO%%                   - The repository or location of the Code of Conduct.
%%COC-STAFF-CONTACT-INFO%% - The contact information for the conference staff
                             members who handle Code of Conduct matters; use of
                             a multi-line markdown list is suggested.
%%COC-STAFF-FIRST-NAMES%%  - The first names of the above conference staff

For example, for C++Now, the placeholders would be replaced with:

%%CONFERENCE%%             - C++Now 
%%COMMUNITY%%              - C++ 
%%REPO%%                   - https://github.com/boostcon/cppnow_code_of_conduct 
%%COC-STAFF-CONTACT-INFO%% - * Jackie Kay,              Attendee Liasion, [mailto:jackie@cppnow.org][]
                             * Bryce Adelstein Lelbach, Program Chair,    [mailto:bryce@cppnow.org][]
                             * Jon Kalb,                Conference Chair, [mailto:jon@cppnow.org][]
%%COC-STAFF-FIRST-NAMES%%  - Jackie, Bryce and/or Jon