
3D Render example using: C90, OpenGLES 2. Builds for: Win32 & Android

Primary LanguageC


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asdf asdf

3D Renderer example program. Written strictly in ISO C90. Uses OpenGL ES 2.0. Builds for Win32 and Android via the NDK.


Resource management for Textures, Shader programs, Vertex buffers.

Mat4x4 and Vector operations for calculating the MVP.

Textures and Shader programs are loaded at runtime from the filesystem. Vertex buffer data is read from static memory. Definitions for unit length quad and cube are provided.

Building the project:


  • Navigate to _Windows, use the Visual Studio project files there


  • Run the batch file at _Android/jni/ to build the native library
  • Open the Eclipse project at _Android/, build APK

Libraries used:

  • LinMath - Mat4x4, Vector2-3 & Quaternion operations
  • GLFW - OpenGL context initialization
  • LodePNG - PNG decoding library
  • UTHash - map structure

Tools used: