
Bulk media converter

Primary LanguageC#


This is a utility for performing bulk conversions of media (audio, image, and video) files. You can specify a preset conversion, or custom. It supports Linux, macOS, and Windows, but these examples assume you're using Linux.

This is a convenience utility. It requires the following applications to be installed to handle the heavy lifting:

Conversion Type Application
Audio SoX
Image convert (part of ImageMagick)
Video FFmpeg

These utilities can be easily installed via your package manager.

I've also included a simple Makefile for handling builds and deployment. You'll probably want to tweak it.


To see a list of available conversion presets:

media-multi --help

Currently available:

  • avi -> mp4
  • fits <-> jpg
  • fits <-> png
  • flac -> mp3
  • jpg -> pdf
  • jpg <-> png
  • mkv -> mp4
  • mp4 -> mp3
  • tif -> jpg
  • tif -> pdf
  • wav -> mp3
  • webm -> mp4
  • webp -> jpg
  • wma -> mp3

Example (preset)

Assuming you are in a directory with three AVI files:


And you want to convert those files to .mp4:

media-multi -o --avi-to-mp4



Since this is a .NET project, you can also run it with the dotnet CLI, e.g.:

dotnet run -- -o --avi-to-mp4

Example (custom)

If you want to execute a bulk conversion that doesn't have a preset, you can specify all of the parameters yourself.

For example, if you wanted to convert all .ogg files in the current direct to .mp3, you'd use this:

media-multi --src-ext ogg --tgt-ext mp3 --ctype audio

Multiple Conversions

You can perform multiple conversions at once. For example, to convert all .avi and .mkv files in the current directory to .mp4, you'd do this:

media-multi --avi-to-mp4 --mkv-to-mp4

However, the order of operations is unpredictable. So if one set of conversions is dependent upon the output of another, don't try to do it as a single step. Issue multiple commands instead. For example, if you want to convert all .avi files to .mp4, and then convert the resulting .mp4 files to .mp3, don't do this:

media-multi --avi-to-mp4 --mp4-to-mp3

Do this, instead:

media-multi --avi-to-mp4
media-multi --mp4-to-mp3