
A package for reading Jenkinsfile-like pipeline files

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Pipeline Reader


pipeline-reader is a package designed to make it easier to user Jenkinsfile-like pipeline files in Python projects. While JSON and YAML are generally sufficient for this task, there may be times where you want to execute code, which JSON and YAML are not well-suited for. In this case, pipeline-reader allows you to define stages containing Python code which are then run sequentially.


Writing a Pipeline

A basic pipeline consists of a pipeline block containing stages as follows:

pipeline {
    stages {
        stage('foo') {
            print('do something')

You can then add an options block like so

pipeline {
    options {
        "foo1": "bar1"
        "foo2": "bar2"
    stages {
        stage('foo') {
            print('do something')

These options will then be stored in a dictionary and made available via the Pipeline object that pipeline-reader returns (this object is also available to the pipeline itself at the _pipeline variable) You can then access these options inside your pipeline script like so:

pipeline {
    options {
        "foo1": "bar1"
        "foo2": "bar2"
    stages {
        stage('foo') {

There are also a group of "protected" options, in the sense that they have an effect on how the pipieline runs. The list of protected options is shown below:

  • exit_on_failure
    • boolean
    • If True, then pipeline exits on a failed stage, otherwise pipeline will continue running In addition, the code context carries over between stages, so running
pipeline {
    stages {
        stage('foo') {
            variable = True
        stage('bar') {

will output True. You can also get a little bit fancy with the stages by utilizing a when block to control if it fires or not

pipeline {
    options {
        "foo": "bar"
    stages {
        stage('foo') {
            when {
                _pipeline.options["foo"] == "bar"
            # This will run only if the "foo" option is set to "bar"

If you need to run specific code before your stage executes, you can use a pre block to make it more readable

pipeline {
    stages {
        stage('foo') {
            pre {
                message = 'hello world'
            # this will print "hello world"

You can then control what happens after a stage through the use of a post block. post blocks support always, success, and failure sub-blocks with always being run first

pipeline {
    stages {
        stage('foo') {
            # if this succeeds then it will run the `always` block followed by the `success` block
            post {
                success {
                failure {
                always {

To help with processes that fail often, you can set a retry directive in your stage to tell the pipeline how many times you'll want that staged to be retried

pipeline {
    stages {
        stage('foo') {
            retry {5}
            # this will retry 5 times after the inital try

You can also jump to another stage in any of the post blocks if you so desire with the goto directive

pipeline {
    stages {
        stage('foo') {
            # this stage will jump to another depending on success or failure
            post {
                success {
                    goto {Success Stage}
                failure {
                    goto {Failure Stage}
        stage('Success Stage') {
            # this will be run on a success of the `foo` stage
        stage('Failure Stage') {
            # this will be run on a failure of the `foo` stage

Finally, Python and C style comments are both supported inside the pipeline files.

# this will be ignored when the file is loaded in
pipeline {
    stages {
        // this will also be ignored
        stage('foo') {
            # even comments inside of stages are stripped out
            print('do something')

Using pipeline-reader in an Application

To utilize pipeline-reader, you'll want to use something like what is shown below

import pipeline_reader

# this will load your pipeline
with open('filename.pipeline') as f:
    pipeline = pipeline_reader.load(f)

# this will execute your pipeline
pipeline_reader.run(pipeline, globals(), locals())

To Do

  • Parse pipeline file
  • Run loaded pipelines
  • Pre-stage
  • Post-stage
  • When-condition
  • Catch stage success
  • Catch stage failure
  • Goto directive
  • Retry directive
  • Allow loading of arbitrary block types as plugins


If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me (John Carter) at jfcarter2358@gmail.com