
My first app with Micronautfw. A fancy generator of quotes I've ever heard

Primary LanguageJava


My first app with Micronautfw. A fancy generator of quotes I've ever heard.

It uses micornaut framework (@micronautfw) with some modules: MongoDB as a persisten storage, Consult as a service discovery and all the configuration needed to generate a docker container with a native image.

It uses a fully reactive aproach, using reactive-streams and mongo-reactive-driver.


You need these tools installed on your local machine:

  • JDK 1.8+
  • Maven 3.5+
  • Docker (if you want to create a native image)
  • Consul


This application needs a mongodb instance running on your machine (or in another place if you create a MONGO_HOME OS variable).


This application uses Consul as a service discovery. You need an instance of consul running on your maching (or in another place if you create a CONSUL_HOME variable).

If you have docker, it is quite easy to have it running in no time, just execute this command:

docker run --rm -p 8500:8500 --name consul consul:1.2.4


Make sure you have an instance of mongo running on your machine:

$ mongod

Put some quotes in mongo to test the application:

$ mongo
> use model-quotes
> db.quotes.insert({_id:1, text:"Don't leave for tomorrow what you can do today"} );

Start a Consul node as well:

docker run --rm -p 8500:8500 --name consul consul:1.2.4

To run the application just load it into your favourite IDE and configure an startup profile using the class model.quotes.Application.

If you want to use the shell, just build the project using maven and execute the resulting uber-jar:

$ mvn clean install
$ java -jar model-quotes-0.1.jar

After seeing these traces, you can start testing the app:

INFO  io.micronaut.runtime.Micronaut - Startup completed in 1437ms. Server Running: http://localhost:8080
INFO  i.m.d.registration.AutoRegistration - Registered service [model-quotes] with Consul

Now you can test the endpoint:

time curl localhost:8080/quotes/1
real	0m0.031s
user	0m0.009s
sys	0m0.009s

You can also open the Consul dashboard (http://localhost:8500) to see your service there.

Native image

To build and run a native image you need docker in your computer.

Run the script docker-build.sh and wait until docker creates the image.

Finally, start the image, making sure though you have mongo and consul running on your computer:


$ docker run --rm  -p 8080:8080 -e MONGO_HOST='host.docker.internal' -e CONSUL_HOST='host.docker.internal'  --name quotes model-quotes


$ docker run --rm  --network host --name quotes model-quotes

You will see somethig like that:

INFO  io.micronaut.runtime.Micronaut - Startup completed in 31ms. Server Running: http://07575142c3de:8080
INFO  i.m.d.registration.AutoRegistration - Registered service [model-quotes] with Consul

As you can see, the container starts in around 30ms.

Then you can test the app:

time curl localhost:8080/quotes/1
real	0m0.031s
user	0m0.009s
sys	0m0.009s