
A memory efficient, garbage-collector-friendly, linked list for allocation of fixed-size, indexed ranges.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A memory efficient, garbage-collector-friendly, linked list for allocation of fixed-size, indexed ranges.


Using npm:

$ npm install rangemap

Using 'bower´:

$ bower install rangemap

In your web project, include the file rangemap.js.


In Node.js:

var RangeMap = require('rangemap').RangeMap;
var map = new RangeMap(0xffff);

In Webbrowser using an AMD loader:

var RangeMap = require('rangemap').RangeMap;
var map = new RangeMap(0xffff);

In Webbrowser without an AMD loader:

<script src="rangemap.js"></script>
  var map = new RangeMap(0xffff);

Class: RangeMap

A RangeMap has the following methods, members.

new RangeMap(startOrLength, [end], [options])

  • startOrLength The range start (if end is present) else length of the map (start is then set to 0).
  • end The range end.
  • options {Object}
    • useAllocPool {Boolean} Use an object pool when creating new Segment object instances. Default=false
    • defragAfterClear {Boolean} De-frags (merges) empty (null) ranges after clear is issued. Default=false


Represents the start position of the RangeMap.


Represents the end position of the RangeMap.


Represents the total number of indicies in the RangeMap.


Represents the total number of unallocated indicies in the RangeMap.


Represents the total number of Range objects in the RangeMap.


Indicates if the object pool is should be used when creating new RangeMapSegment object instances.


Indicates that segments should be de-fraged after the clear method is issued.

rangemap.init(start, end)

  • start {Number} The start of the range.
  • end {Number} The end of the range.

The RangeMap class is automatically initialized in constructor, so no need to call init on a newly created RangeMap. The init can however after the destroy method is called.

rangemap.alloc(length, value)

  • length {Number} Number of inidices that should be allocated
  • value {Object} A value associated with the range.
  • return {[Segment]} An Array with RangeMapSegment instance's representing the newly allocated range.

Allocates a new range of size length. The alloc method tries to keep the allocation as little fragmented as possible, but there is now guarantee that the ranges is in one sequence.


  • value {Object} A value associated with the range.
  • return {Number} The number of unallocations that was made (null ranges are not included).

Deallocates all ranges of value.

rangemap.clear(start, end)

  • start {Number} The start position.
  • end {Number} The end position.
  • return {Number} The number of unallocations that was made (null ranges are not included).

Deallocates all segments between start and end, with a value.

rangemap.validateRange(value, start, [end])

  • value {Object} The value to validate against.
  • start {Number} The start position.
  • end {Number} The end position. Default=rangemap.end
  • return {Boolean} true if defined range matches value, else false.

Validates that specified value is within defined range.


  • pos {Number} The position in range
  • return {Object} The value of specified pos.

Returns the value associated with specified pos.


  • value {Number} The value to find.
  • return {Array} array with all matching range segments.

Finds all range segments of given value.


Destroys the RangeMap instance and free's all range segments.

Class: RangeMapSegment

A RangeMapSegment, which represents a seqment in a RangeMap, has the following methods, members.


(static) Inidicates how many objects that should be stored in the allocation pool. Default=1000


Represents the start position of the RangeMapSegment.


Represents the end position of the RangeMapSegment.


Represents the total number of indicies in the RangeMapSegment.


There are a number of unit-tests in the package. The easiest way is to run the test suite via npm in the repository:

$ npm test

Browser compatibility

This library is compatible with all major browsers.


Please report any issue on github: https://github.com/jfd/rangemap-js/issues


RangeMap.js is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE in this repo for more information.


Copyright (c) 2013 Johan Dahlberg http://jfd.github.com