
arduino based firmware for the imax b6 charger

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


arduino based firmware for the imax b6 charger the code is made very simple and can be modied to your needs



the imax b6 is a atmega32a based battery charger.

  • smps buck boost converter , controlled fully by the arduino
  • 6 channel balancer
  • current / voltage meters
  • 2x16 lcd display and 4 buttons

CPU http://www.atmel.com/Images/Atmel-8155-8-bit-Microcontroller-AVR-ATmega32A_Datasheet.pdf MightyCore PIN ASSIGNMENT https://camo.githubusercontent.com/8466c1b4ca97bf242f00e61a5dbb8e0b0ff6416d/687474703a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f5464304e6875672e6a7067

SCHEMATICS http://ru-radio-electr.livejournal.com/1295897.html https://static.rcgroups.net/forums/attachments/6/4/9/2/6/3/a8738175-193-1469e1%20IMAX%20SkyRC%20Schematic.jpg?d=1456339330

SETUP ARDUINO dev enviroment

enable ATMEGA32a compiling

USBASP programmer

  • (currently iuse a old version of avrdude.exe 14.03.2009 and avrdude.conf from 14.03.2009 ... that allowes using the china usbasp) i must check if the new versions of avrdude works too. i also ordered a USBtinyISP ...

  • nice picture on how connect the wires https://habrastorage.org/files/cc9/dd7/52a/cc9dd752aae141a496b4fbd79da0961f.jpg

  • USE CTRL-SHIFT-U to upload the codes ... the UPLOAD BUTTON WILL NOT WORK !!!

Current Codes


  • lcd display
  • buck converter !
    • current limiter
  • stage logic
    • the logic to charge lifepo4 batteries
  • balancer logic
  • MULTIPLEXER reading the cells voltages
  • some basic functions to the buttons


  • boost converter
  • boost charger signal ( all cells < 3.5V )
  • battery ok signal ( all cells > 3.0V )