CH12 Employee System

To build and run Springboot from command prompt

./gradlew build && java -jar build/libs/employeesystem-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT (Name of file from \build\libs)

Make into a docker container

./gradlew bootBuildImage --imageName={dockerUserName}/employee-system (Image name= docker image name)

Run container - container runs, but no response from web browser

docker run {dockerUserName}/employee-system

Publish container - container runs, works like it should web browser responds

docker run --publish 8080:8080 {dockerUserName}/employee-system

Docker Push to make public

docker push {dockerUserName}/employee-system

Web Page: Spring Boot project to docker image,and%20a%20spring%20group%20to%20run%20the%20application.


  • Check .gitignore file to make sure \deployments isn't there. Remove if it exist.

  • Push to github.

  • Copy employeesystem-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar file from \build\libs to a directory called \deployments (may have to create)

  • Push to github. Check github to ensure the changes are there.