Create the game of Blackjack in Java. TODO: Create a react frontend
Plan how to approach a way to create and code this game.
create a card
Aces can be 1 or 11, royal cards are worth 10
build a deck - shuffle deck
player places bet
deal card
player can hit or stand
player continues to play until stands or going over 21 and busts
(black jack = ace and jack wins!!)
dealer stands on 17 or better, hits on lower than 17 plays until stands or going over 21 and busts
(black jack wins!!)
winner with highest value wins.
Push : Dealer ties with Player.
issue chips betx2 if players wins.
Player loses bet if dealer wins.
Push: player gets bet returned.
card (value, suit): card's face value and which suit it's in.
.getValue : Get the face value of the card. If a royal card in play change value to 10
Create Deck using objCards to make 52 unique cards in Deck OR
Ceate a new cards when needed keeping track for no duplicates, simulate a 52 a deck of cards.
.shuffle : shuffle deck
.dealCards : deals card to players
- black jack Hand
- .findAce : find if there's an Ace in play. Change Ace's value to 1 or 11 to get 21 or best possible hand on the first draw
- change royal value
- Create Player(playerName, chips) : Player Name, Starting chips
- .bet : deduct initial bet from chips. optional: (simple validation: can't under or over bet chips than current balance)
- .setChips : private method: set the amount of chips based on: bet, winning, pushing.
- .getChips: get the amount of chips player currently has.
Dealer : has a hand
Deals Cards : Deal cards to players
.addUpCards : adds total of value for the Cards
.hit : request another Card
.stand : Stops playing at handTotal
- playGame : starts game
- .round : Player through a round of blackjack
- .endRound : decide outcome.