- 11
Ability to add two joysticks?
#195 opened by MGlaab - 4
Compatibility with Waveshare devices
#196 opened by scatterthought - 9
Issues when switching computers using a KVM
#189 opened by 1-lost-cause - 13
NiceNano clones connectivity issue
#178 opened by JostBrand - 5
Command-line Tool
#176 opened by MGlaab - 5
Re-plug Required When Using KVM
#146 opened by justinlampley - 0
XIAO-NRF52840 Bluetooth No Input
#194 opened by 7urtles - 4
Delay periods
#191 opened by RuloH - 6
- 2
- 2
GPIO pins on Adafruit Feather 2040
#190 opened by ehrhartd - 1
Rotary encoder
#188 opened by Akira28hk - 3
- 6
3D printed case issue with screw holes
#158 opened by TotalCoolness - 0
Suggestions for Custom Boards
#185 opened by wayland - 18
Using 2.4Ghz wireless devices?
#179 opened by CrowKing63 - 17
- 2
Devices refuse to work when plugged into USB hub
#154 opened by Kwondor - 5
- 2
Example request: set/reset of drag scroll layer dependent on v scroll rotation
#183 opened by itsnoteasy - 19
- 2
PS/2 to HID?
#168 opened by neuhaus - 24
Only three remap slots possible with Bluetooth?
#180 opened by LardTom - 0
Is it possible to use gyro and emulate a device?
#173 opened by Izooc - 6
Virpil Button Panel does not connect
#166 opened by SciFi-Bob - 2
Time limits on button activation
#177 opened by dehrhart - 0
Not recognizing my new mouse
#175 opened by RuloH - 1
Feature Request: Search function for input/output selection on the config tool
#150 opened by rei4877 - 2
Custom usages question
#174 opened by cedartinkerer - 1
Apple USB Keyboard stops working
#172 opened by sqelch - 4
Weird Numlock behavior
#156 opened by SmoresDecore - 7
incompatible keyboard?
#171 opened by ccccff - 6
Activating layers through key combinations
#167 opened by valdotdev - 2
- 1
Help with implementing a config to map Mouse Inputs to custom Keyboard Events
#169 opened by TheElixZammuto - 3
Mapping USB Numpad only when NumLock is OFF
#164 opened by ycl413 - 2
Raspberry pi zero support
#165 opened by Wes-T920 - 2
- 8
- 0
RP2040 Zero 3D printed enclosure
#162 opened by sanderpuh - 3
Classic Bluetooth HID Numpad Remapping Keys
#160 opened by gregor202 - 5
- 2
Mass production of these
#159 opened by febs - 6
Feature Request: mouse cursor moves from one monitor to another monitor on correct edge
#155 opened by itsnoteasy - 0
- 3
Screws to connect the original enclose.
#151 opened by Tyranablanchy - 3
- 8
- 1
Is it possible to emulate another device?
#147 opened by dberrocal-git - 4
Mapping problems with Bluetooth version
#145 opened by ozunion