Jenkins Pipeline Maven build demo


Ex 1: Using Global Tools Configuration


pipeline {
    agent any

    tools {
        maven "3.6.0" // You need to add a maven with name "3.6.0" in the Global Tools Configuration page

    stages {
        stage("Build") {
            steps {
                sh "mvn -version"
                sh "mvn clean install"

    post {
        always {

Ex 2: Using docker agent and official Maven docker image


pipeline {
    environment {
        JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS = "-Duser.home=/var/maven"
    agent {
        docker {
            image "maven:3.6.0-jdk-13"
            label "docker"
            args "-v /tmp/maven:/var/maven/.m2 -e MAVEN_CONFIG=/var/maven/.m2"

    stages {
        stage("Build") {
            steps {
                sh "mvn -version"
                sh "mvn clean install"

    post {
        always {

Ex 2: Using dockerfile agent and Maven docker image build from the official image


pipeline {
    environment {
        JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS = "-Duser.home=/home/jenkins"
    agent {
        dockerfile {
            label "docker"
            args "-v /tmp/maven:/home/jenkins/.m2 -e MAVEN_CONFIG=/home/jenkins/.m2"

    stages {
        stage("Build") {
            steps {
                sh "ssh -V"
                sh "mvn -version"
                sh "mvn clean install"

    post {
        always {