
JxBase is a fork from [jdbf](https://github.com/iryndin/jdbf), a Java utility to read/write DBF files

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Build Status codecov

JxBase is a fork from jdbf, a Java utility to read/write DBF files

Convert a DBF file to SQLite from command line

Call, from command line, the class com.github.jferard.jxbase.tool.DatabaseLoader. Here's an example:

...$ java -cp "$HOME/.m2/repository/com/github/jferard/jxbase/0.0.1-SNAPSHOT/jxbase-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar" com.github.jferard.jxbase.tool.DatabaseLoader
Usage: java -cp 'path/to/jxbase/jar:path/to/jdbc/driver/jar' com.github.jferard.jxbase.tool.DatabaseLoader [option] [source] [connect_string]

   -h, --help          Print this message
   -c driver_class     Load the driver using Class.forName
   -d                  Drop tables if they exist
   -s N                Chunk size (default is one chunk of the size of the file)
                       Use this to avoid an out of memory for big files
   source              A directory or a single dbf file
   connection_string   A connection string to the database
...$java -cp "$HOME/.m2/repository/org/xerial/sqlite-jdbc/$HOME/.m2/repository/com/github/jferard/jxbase/0.0.1-SNAPSHOT/jxbase-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar" com.github.jferard.jxbase.tool.DatabaseLoader -d -s 10000 $HOME/prog/java/jxbase/src/test/resources/data1 "jdbc:sqlite:./test.sqlite"
oct. 17, 2020 10:52:55 PM com.github.jferard.jxbase.tool.DatabaseLoader buildAndFillTables
INFOS: Build tables
oct. 17, 2020 10:52:55 PM com.github.jferard.jxbase.tool.DatabaseLoader buildAndFillTable
INFOS:  > /home/jferard/prog/java/jxbase/src/test/resources/data1/gds_im.dbf
oct. 17, 2020 10:52:55 PM com.github.jferard.jxbase.tool.DatabaseLoader buildAndFillTable
INFOS:  > /home/jferard/prog/java/jxbase/src/test/resources/data1/tir_im.dbf

User Guide

Read a DBF file


See the integration test example

Read a DBF file with MEMO fields


See the integration test example

Write a DBF file


See the integration test example

Write a DBF file with MEMO fields


See the integration test example

Design of an xBase database

The database is a simple set of files.



The DBF file

The main file. Contains the header and the records.

+------- Header ---------+
|       Metadata         |   <- XBaseMetaDataReader/Writer    
| Field Descriptor Array |   <- XBaseFieldDescriptorArrayReader/Writer
|        Optional        |   <- XBaseOptionalReader/Writer
|        Records         |   <- XBaseRecordReader/Writer

DBT file (memo: optional)

This file contains block of data.

+------------------------+  \
|         Header         |   |
+------------------------+   } <- XBaseMemoReader/Writer
|        Records         |   |
+------------------------+  /

NDX file (index: optional)


Design of JxBase

JxBase aims to build DBF format reader and writer by layers. Each dialect derives an existing format and adds fields, formats, files.

The covariance parameter problem

Whereas a GenericRecordReader has a GenericDialect parameter, a FoxProRecordReader needs a FoxProDialect parameter. A covariant parameter (the parameters type varies with the class type) is a real problem because it violates the Liskov substitution principle: the subclass FoxProRecordReader won't work with a GenericDialect parameter (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Covariance_and_contravariance_(computer_science)#Covariant_method_parameter_type). Usually, one solves this problem with generics:

    class GenericRecordReader<D extends GenericDialect> {
    class FoxProRecordReader extends GenericRecordReader<FoxProDialect> {

Currently, JxBase doesn't use generics for covariance because this would lead to a really complex situation. The fallaback used to achieve the covariance is a simple cast: we accept a GenericDialect and try to cast the instance into a FoxProDialect