
A LibreOffice Add-On written in Java that provides more basic functions

Primary LanguageJava

MoreBasicFunctions - A LibreOffice Add-On written in Java that provides more basic functions. Copyright (C) 2021 Julien Férard.

Questions: https://github.com/jferard/MoreBasicFunctions/discussions

Bug reports: https://github.com/jferard/MoreBasicFunctions/issues


LibreOffice Basic is pretty limited, and calling Calc functions is cumbersome. Hence the idea of this add-on.

There is a major limitation: the services won't be available unless the add-on is installed. That means that your scripts won't be usable on a standard LibreOffice installation.

Use cases:

  • One PC script (typically personal script): install the add-on on the PC and use the services;
  • Prototype: the add-on will help you to keep the code clean;
  • Developer: the Tests service is mandatory on the developer PC but not on the end user PC.


There are already dozens of functions available via the com.sun.star.sheet.FunctionAccess service, but the syntax is tedious:

functionAccess = createUnoService("com.sun.star.sheet.FunctionAccess")  
MsgBox functionAccess.callFunction("SUBSTITUTE", Array("123123123", "3", "abc"))


Strings = createUnoService("com.github.jferard.mbfs.Strings")
MsgBox Strings.replace("123123123", "3", "abc")


Download the latest release or compile the extension (see Compilation below).

In LibreOffice: first, save any opened document. Then Tools > Extension Manager... and choose the MoreBasicFunctions extension. Accept the license and close the extension manager. Be sure to restart LibreOffice.


The preparation step requires the LibreOffice SDK and the procyon decompiler. On Ubuntu

$ sudo apt-get install libreoffice-dev
$ sudo apt-get install procyon-decompiler

Now run:

$ python3 mbfs.py

If something goes wrong, you should check the configuration: https://api.libreoffice.org/docs/install.html.


At this time, this is only a proof of concept. You can install the add-on with the extension manager. Then try in the LibreOffice macro console:

strings = createUNOService("com.github.jferard.mbfs.Strings")
MsgBox strings.reversed("MoreBasicFunctions")


MoreBasicFunctions is meant to provide several services.

See the doc directory for detailed information.


Some Junit like functions: assertTrue, assertFalse, assertEquals, assertNotEquals, assertArrayEquals, assertArrayNotEquals.


For string manipulation: reversed, split, join, lower/upper case, indexOf, substring...

TODO: maybe diff, encodings...


For character manipulation Ord/Chr and identification: isLetter, isDigit...


For regex usage: match, findAll/findFirst, replaceAll/replaceFirst.


For collections manipulation: sort, shuffle, min, max, avg, concat, flatten, times, chunks, randomElement, contains.


For date and time manipulation: now, strptime/strftime...

TODO: Add one day, one month...


For path manipulation: list, recursiveList, split/join, parent, withExtension...



About Basic-Java mappings

The Developer's guide give an overview of the mappings between UNO, Java, C++ and Basic (p. 72). But this table does not show how Basic values will be typed in Java.

The table aims to be more complete:

Basic Value Java Type
Boolean java.lang.Boolean
Single java.lang.Float
Double java.lang.Double
Integer java.lang.Short
Long java.lang.Integer
literal boolean (True) java.lang.Boolean
literal floating point value (3.14) java.lang.Double
literal number -128 <= x < 128 java.lang.Byte
literal number -32768 <= x < -128 or 128 <= x < 32768 java.lang.Short
literal number -2147483648 <= x < -32768 or 32768 < x < -2147483648 java.lang.Integer
larger literal number java.lang.Double

Arrays are either mapped to primitive arrays (if the values are consistent) or to object arrays.

Basic Value Java Type
array of Booleans or boolean values boolean[]
array of Singles or float values float[]
array of Doubles or double values double[]
array of Integers or integer values short[]
array of Longs or long values integer[]
array of mixed types Object[]

In the case of a mixed array, the object are typed according to the first table.