This project aims at allowing an easier management of gamelist.xml files per hardware configuration in Recalbox. I was no satisfied by scrapers management of rom files, as there was always missing pictures or duplicate rom entries in game menus. So I decided to create my own manager for Recalbox game lists. Here it is, in fully python. At term, this project should be available in both CLI and GUI.
python --help
usage: [-h] [--check {game,title,image}] [--delete DELETE] [-l {game,image,folder,empty_image}] [--count [COUNT]]
[--repair {game,image,all} [{game,image,all} ...]] [--merge] [-o] [-v] [-f [GAMELIST [GAMELIST ...]]]
Helpful tool for managing and cleaning gamelist.xml file(s)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--check {game,title,image}
check specified element
--delete DELETE delete game(s) that match regular expression
-l {game,image,folder,empty_image}, --list {game,image,folder,empty_image}
list the element(s) matching selector
--count [COUNT] count the number of occurences
--repair {game,image,all} [{game,image,all} ...]
fix paths issue for games
--merge merge gamelists
-o, --console Output result on console (no disk write)
-v, --verbose Output logs on console (no disk write)
a list of gamelist.xml(s) path(s)
python --check game -f pathto/gamelist.xml
python --check image -f pathto/gamelist.xml
python --merge -f path_1/gamelist.xml path_2/gamelist.xml
Delete all matching games
python --delete 'Streets of Rage [1-3]?' -f pathto/gamelist.xml
python --repair image -f pathto/gamelist.xml
python --repair game -f pathto/gamelist.xml