
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Coding Dojo

This is the code that I created while attending Coding Dojo for the MEAN (MongoDB, Express, Angular, Node.js) stack.

Some of it very basic but it was designed to be that way per the assignment.

I have the following layout for most MEAN projects:

  • client
    • app
      • [feature_name]
        • [feature_name].ctrl.js - Angular controller
        • [feature_name].fact.js - Angular factory
      • routes.js - Angular routes
      • app.js - Angular module
  • server
    • config
      • connection.js - Mongoose setup
      • routes.js - Express routes
    • controllers
      • [feature_name].ctrl.js - Node/Express controller
    • models
      • [feature_name].model.js - Mongoose model
  • server.js - Node.js/Express setup

Both MEAN and Practice directories are full MEAN projects.

Some projects are not complete and I am in the process of updating them.