Tool for deploying new version of ecs service with usage od codedeploy.

Tool updates docker image in task definition, it searches given cluster for service, and then updates task definition associated with it, at the end it triggers deployment through code deploy.

Supported commands

deploy, d                Deploys new version of app
continue-deployment, cd  Allows active deployment to continue deployment
list-deployments, ld     Deploys new version of app
rollback-deployment, rd  Rollbacks active deployment
help, h                  Shows a list of commands or help for one command

Sample call

For deployment:

ecs-go deploy --clusterName cluster_name \
    --serviceName service_name \
    --codedeployGroup codedeploy_group \
    --codedeployApp codedeploy_group \
    --image nginx:latest

AWS Assume role

If your AWS configuration (~/.aws) requires to assume role then you can try calling calling this like below:

export AWS_PROFILE=aws_profile_with_role_to_assume
ecs-go deploy .....


export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=token
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=access_secret_key
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=aws_key
ecs-go deploy .....