
Some python utilities to work with the Neo4j graph database

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

Neo4j DB Utils

This file contains some utilities for working with the Neo4j graph database.


This is a python package for building importers for the Neo4j bulk import utility. It works with Python 3.36+ and generates a set of csv files in the expected format.

To use it, you create a script that imports the definitions from import_defs.py and provides subclass implementations of Node and MapReduceTemplate (and potentially Relationship if SimpleRelationship is not sufficient for your graph.

You then define a main() function that calls build_import.add_command_args() to add in the arguments which control the output files. You typically add a positional command line argument for the input file(s) and then parse the arguments. Now, you call run() which does the work of generating the csv files.


See the examples subdirectory, which contains an import builder for a simple edge list graph format. To run it, type:

python simple_edge_list.py simple_edge_graph.txt


Things to do:

  • Need more conceptual explanation.
  • Remove dependency on six (was for 2.7 support)


neoctl is a Python command line script to create, start, stop, and destroy Neo4j databases running in a Docker container.

Before the first time you use it, you need to install docker and login to docker hub.

The neoctl script can be invoked as follows:

neoctl [-h] [--neo4j-root NEO4J_ROOT] [--import-directory IMPORT_DIRECTORY] [--password PASSWORD] COMMAND [COMMAND ...]

positional arguments:
  COMMAND               Command to run, one of create, start, stop, status, or destroy

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --neo4j-root NEO4J_ROOT
                        Root directory for Neo4j files, defaults to $HOME/neo4j
  --import-directory IMPORT_DIRECTORY
                        Directory for import files, defaults to the current directory. Used only when creating database.
  --password PASSWORD   Password for neo4j user. Needed for create and start commands.

When you run the create subcommand, the script expects the bulk loader csv files to be in the directory specified by --import-directory. Note that create imports the database but does not leave an instance running. To start it afterward, run the start command.


Copyright 2018-2020 by Jeff Fischer. This is made available under the 3-clause BSD license.