
Some contrived rspec tests for AgileMD's corporate site. I only wrote support for the pages I needed.


  • The project's currently configured to use Ruby 2.6.5. If you have a different Ruby version you'll need to change the version in .ruby-version.rb at the root of the repo.
  • Download the chromedriver binary that's compatible with your chrome version and put it somewhere on your path.
  • bundle install


Note: If you see the following warning:

WARN Selenium [DEPRECATION] Selenium::WebDriver::Error::ElementNotVisibleError is deprecated.

It's harmless (There are some upcoming changes in Selenium 4 and this is just an early alert that those are coming.)

See this link for more details.

Running Tests

From the repo root:

bundle exec rspec spec/agile_md_spec.rb

Using the Console

Run console.rb at the repo root to get a REPL. The script loads all of the site files and then invokes pry. Example commands ('s' is a site instance that you can use to navigate the site):

Note: Navigation is handled automatically.



To get a list of pages that have been defined for the site. s.pages