Apartments for Rent

By Joe Fiume


  1. run git clone ""
  2. Install Gemfile dependencies with "bundle install"
  3. Install font end dependencies with "npm install"
  4. run "rails s" to start the rails server
  5. run "ruby ./bin/webpack-dev-server" to start the built in rails webpack
  6. Enjoy!


  • I used the following technologies: Rails, Sqlite3, React and Redux.
  • robots file can be found here: robots
  • sitemap can be found here: sitemap
  • Link Flow Diagram can be found here: link flow diagram


Build the Apartments for Rent App

The application should:

  • Be backed by a sqlite3 database, see:
  • Use a front-end framework like React or Angular. Rails 5.1 comes with the Webpacker gem installed, please use this to manage the JavaScript framework (
  • Store "Apartment" objects with the following attributes: address, city, state, bedroom count, and bathroom count. You should do this by using the ‘rails generate scaffold’ command
  • The ability for users to create, view, and edit apartments
  • Have a search index page displaying the existing apartments along with the ability to filter the apartment based on bedroom and bathroom counts
  • Serve a robots file
  • Serve a sitemap file
  • create a diagram that shows the link flow of your application