
DanceFlix is a web application for users to stream dance videos. Inspired by Netflix, DanceFlix allows users to watch, favorite, and search for their best-loved dance videos of all time.

Primary LanguageRuby


DanceFlix is a web application for users to stream dance videos. Inspired by Netflix, DanceFlix allows users to watch, favorite, and search for their best-loved dance videos of all time.



  • User accounts with secure authentication
    • full backend and frontend secure user authentication
  • Video streaming with controls and no interruption
    • full video streaming from YouTube
  • User can favorite their preferred videos
    • favorites appear on the Favorites Page
  • User can search for a video by title.
    • search is responsive, loading only the videos that match instantly
  • User can view their most viewed videos
    • Most Viewed page, with the videos sorted by view count
  • Backend Testing with RSpec
    • RSpec tests improve Rails functionality and provide automated tests for Jenkins

Project Design

DanceFlix was designed and built in 2 weeks.

A proposal was drafted to help provide an implementation timeline for the development process along with a database schema.


DanceFlix is a single-page web application built on a Rails backend and a React frontend.



File Storage

Code snippets

The following code snippet provides for me to set a different id for each page, which allows for a different background image on each page of a single-page web app.

    const currentPage = () => {
      const page = window.location.hash.slice(2);
      if (page === "") {
        return (
      } else {
        return (

    const App = () => (
      <div id={currentPage()}>

The following code snippet loads the video from YouTube.

    if (this.props.videoId === parseInt(this.props.match.params.id))
      const video = this.props.currentVideo;

    return (
      <iframe className="current-video"
    } else {

The following code snippet allows for dynamic search by year. Usually search by year will not search by key stroke; however, the following will overcome this challenge.

  def search_by_year
    year = params[:query][:year].to_i

    if year == 0
      @videos = Video.all
    elsif year < 10
      year = year * 1000
      next_year = year + 1000
      @videos = Video.where("year >= ? and year < ?", year, next_year)
    elsif year < 100
      year = year * 100
      next_year = year + 100
      @videos = Video.where("year >= ? and year < ?", year, next_year)
    elsif year < 1000
      year = year * 10
      next_year = year + 10
      @videos = Video.where("year >= ? and year < ?", year, next_year)
      @videos = Video.where("year = ?", year)

Future Implementations

DanceFlix could be improved with the addition of a few future implementations. Future Development