SScanSS 2 (pronounced “scans two”) provides a virtual laboratory for planning, visualising, and setting-up strain scanning experiments on engineering beam-line instruments.
SScanSS 2 which is an acronym for Strain Scanning Simulation Software uses a computer model of the instrument i.e. jaws, collimators, positioning system and 3D model of the sample to simulate the measurement procedure. The main output of the simulation is a script that can be used to drive the real-world positioning system to the desired measurement positions.
SScanSS 2 is a Python rewrite of the SScanSS application written in IDL by Dr. Jon James at the Open University, in collaboration with the ISIS Neutron and Muon source.
In addition to other things, it provides a new UI, improved simulation speed and a more maintainable code.
The code is currently known to run on Windows, and Linux; it has not been tested on Mac. Installers are available on the release page. It should be noted that while the code is Python 3 compatible, a single version will be tested for each release to ensure a consistent experience for all users. The supported version for the next release is Python 3.8. To run the source:
Download the repository
For Windows, download and install Microsoft Visual C++
Install dependencies
pip install setuptools==57.5.0 pip install -r requirements.txt pip install -r requirements-dev.txt # optional for development only
Add the following line in sscanss/app/ after the
import sys
statementimport os sys.path.append(os.path.abspath('..'))
Open a terminal and navigate to the SScanSS-2 directory then
cd sscanss/app python
To run unit tests and generate coverage report
python --test-coverage
For developers, it is advisable to install a git pre-commit hook to run unit test on each commit. On Windows, you might need to add the path of required DLLs e.g. ANACONDA_DIR/Library/bin into the system path for the pre-commit hook to work
python --add-pre-commit-hook
The pre-commit hook will check that the code is formatted appropriately then run the unit test. To check the code formatting without the pre-commit hook
python --check-code-format
To format the code into the appropriate style
python --format-code
To run the linter on the code
python --run-linter
To run the linter, tests, and build the code
python --build-all
The documentation is currently hosted using GitHub pages at The documentation should be built using the provided Sphinx make file. The restructured text source is in the docs folder while the build will be placed in the docs/_build folder.
cd docs
make clean
make html
To build the executable for SScanSS use,
python --build-sscanss
This script will create the executable for the main software only in the installer/bundle/app folder. The instrument editor is a developer tool for creating or modifying instrument description files, using the '--build-editor' option, will build the executable for the instrument editor in the installer/bundle/editor folder.
python --build-editor
Download and install the NSIS application (version 3.07). Open makensisw.exe in the NSIS installation folder, load installer/windows/build_installer.nsi into the makensisw compiler. The installer would be created in the installer/windows folder.
The installer can be built by running the installer/linux/ bash script. The script requires that makeself (version 2.4.0) and git are installed on the machine.
> ./ --remote --tag v1.0.0
> ./ --local ../.. --tag v1.0.0
This script will clone SScanSS-2 from the remote or local git repo, download miniconda and required pip packages, then bundle them all into a makeself archive (*.run) which serves as the installer. The installer would be created in the installer/linux folder.
J. A. James, J. R. Santisteban, L. Edwards and M. R. Daymond, “A virtual laboratory for neutron and synchrotron strain scanning,” Physica B: Condensed Matter, vol. 350, no. 1-3, p. 743–746, 2004.
Nneji Stephen. (2021). SScanSS 2—a redesigned strain scanning simulation software (Version 1.1.0).