
Primary LanguageLua



clone to this location

  • %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\nvim (on windows)
  • ~/.config/nvim (on linux)


- neovim 0.9
- [vim-plug](https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug)
- [ripgrep](https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep)
- zig (for windows only)

Note on windows you have to install visual studio with the c++ complier and then run a powershell instance through visual studio - using scoop... check if %USERPROFILE%\scoop\shims is in your path

scoop install zig
scoop install ripgrep

check if %USERPROFILE%\scoop\apps\ripgrep\13.0.0 is in your path check if %USERPROFILE%\scoop\apps\zig\0.10.1 is in your path


1. Clone this repo to

    - On linux ~/.config/nvim
    - On windows ~/AppData/Local/nvim

2. Install language servers


3. Install plugins

    - you'll have to run the installation twice to get it to work


4. Install Tree Sitter stuff

- Note on windows you have to install visual studio with the c++ complier
  and then run a powershell instance through visual studio

    TSInstall html css c_sharp javascript typescript tsx lua

Commands I forget

Debug Plugins


1. Run shell command

:! <you shell command>

2. Enter Terminal


3. Go back to normal mode inside Terminal

4. Help with Terminal
:help terminal-emulator
5. Adding files
- j,k move up and down
- Enter to enter a sub-directory
- - to go up a directory
- d to create a directory
- % to create a file
- more [info](https://dev.to/asyraf/how-to-make-a-new-file-or-directory-in-vim-553f)
6. Resize windows
Window resizing
You can use the :resize command or its shortcut :res to change the height
of the window. To change the height to 60 rows, use:

:resize 60

You can also change the height in increments. To change the height by
increments of 5, use:

:res +3.5
:res 4

You can use :vertical resize to change the width of the current window.
To change the width to 80 columns, use:

:vertical resize 80

You can also change the width in increments. To change the width by
increments of 5, use:

:vertical resize +5
:vertical resize -5


find file

grep file

yank file to system clipboard
1. Enter visual mode and hightlight the text you want
2. enter this command
- Make sure you have xclip installed on linux

turn off hightlighting from search

Spell Checking


// get suggestions for misspelled words

// jump to next misspelled word

Installed by Mason

- charpier
- css-lsp
- eslint-lsp
- html-lsp
- jdtls
- ltex-ls
- lua-language-server
- markdownlint
- omnisharp
- prettier
- rust-analyzer
- rustfmt
- stylua
- tailwindcss-language-server
- typescript-language-server
- pylint
- pyright

Modifying VimRc

:options  // gives all config options
so % // loads script

Comment out lines

[count]<leader>cc comment out
[count]<leader>cu uncomment

Run workspace lua script

Add .nvimrc.lua file

Install Co-Pilot

Click this link