
My Goals website

Primary LanguageCSS

Currently located at: lifemap-app.herokuapp.com/home

Goals of Goals:

-User Sign up
-Goals with steps
-adding and removing addition steps

-viewing the steps in different formats
-easy printing/sending to phone/ keeping track of them
-daily qoutes
-goal type? long term, short term? one day? places to see/business/education/finance/
-calander events?
-mtwtfss dates to add to
-Why/About/Home page
-posts page/for goals and just for in general
-option for private or public
-cucumber/rspec testing TDD
-maybe use ember.js to update Goals, like the TODO app
-motivation section - carosel of images and videos?
-notification system
-add blog for Goals
-Personal Mission Statement
-Vision Board

The main goal of the goals website is to inspire users and give advice on how they can meet their dreams